...هادف شركات عديدة في انحاء العالم عبر حمل...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Many companies around the world were targeted by a campaign of espionage directed specifically at companies and countries, especially in the Middle East and Israel.
00:10The Jerusalem Post newspaper quoted one of the officials in the
00:14Saeb Al-Rayes, who is in charge of the Federal Security, said that Iran's spying campaign has been ongoing since at least 2018,
00:24I've probably managed to collect a lot of data
00:28From carefully selected targets.
00:34A large Iranian-run spy operation against international airlines and communications, as well as stealing sensitive information from targets
00:43All over Israel and the Middle East
00:45as well as in the United States, Russia and Europe, according to the Jerusalem Post newspaper. The report published by samer Al-Zain institution, which is specialized in federal security,
00:55She said she started the investigation after calling in the incident response research team
00:59to help one of the companies that was attacked, and I found that this is just one part of an entire Iranian intelligence campaign
01:07It's been held in secret for the last three years.
01:11The C-Prizren company said that while other Iranian groups are involved in more destructive acts, this group is focusing on collecting information
01:20Where they managed to stay hidden for three years,
01:24pointing out that Iranian electronic spies were able to bear a large amount of data over the years
01:31You might get to Gigabytes or even Terabytes.
01:34According to the report, spies used a program called Chirac that he does not want and is very sophisticated
01:41it avoids anti virus tools and other tools of the secretariat by taking advantage of multiple jamming techniques
01:48And misuse the Propbox application
01:58In preparation for the start of the parliamentary elections, a decision was made
02:02the iraqi parliament will come into force today . The second vice-president of the Iraqi parliament Bashir Haddad said
02:10the dissolution of the parliament for itself does not need to hold a session,
02:14I mean, this decision was taken before. And with the dissolution of the parliament, which was not able to hold its sessions during the last period,
02:23the current government headed by Mustafa Al-Kazimi
02:27Automatically turned into a day-to-day caretaker government
02:33after the return of the displaced to it. The voters in Anbar province in western Iraq aspire to make a change in who will represent them in the next government
02:43in order to guarantee their rights, which made the electoral scene
02:47There's different
02:50I am.
02:52More than two hundred thousand citizens returning from displacement in Anbar province are getting ready to participate in the elections.