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  • 3 years ago
00:00supports the biden administration, and we know that there are issues that differed under biden's administration. If
00:05Yes, there is some contradiction.
00:10We see a loss of confidence on one side and we see
00:15Google, Microsoft, Facebook and all of these.
00:21Bottom line, I don't think that's gonna solve the problem. What's happening is that the Titans are
00:29Who are they pushing
00:32on those who have influence in the Congress and put pressure on them in all forms, and they already control the organizational authorities.
00:43What's going to happen is more regulatory laws that will be able to
00:52Big tech companies to get involved in drafting it. Basically
00:57So we're not talking about technology giants versus governments.
01:04The situation now is that technology giants are working alongside governments
01:09In cooperation with Governments, they are good. So if you'll allow me to interrupt, I must ask you a pressing question
01:19Our guest is also from Dubai
01:21Professor Dying, do people's misfortunes have many benefits? What about the potential competition? Yesterday, for example, I got letters from Viper, this competitor
01:30which has been forgotten for a while for example
01:32People remembered him yesterday. Is he in competition? Of course we were
01:38Of course, there is no doubt that the rival platforms will take advantage of this opportunity, of course.
01:43but they do not take advantage of defectors that they can take or try to take. These users have,
01:50But on the other hand, I mean, what did they learn from the incident on the reputation of
02:00Of course, exactly what do you learn from this harsh lesson with Facebook? from a legal and technical standpoint, of course, ten on
02:10So of course, these competitors, the platforms, the competitors that were exploited in all ways
02:15But he uses the same technique. the same strategy they also try to get out of the users
02:22A certain propagandist tries important, but lessons and lessons
02:27The lessons are endless, and we are in the era of artificial intelligence, of course, and the battlements and their power
02:34at the end of this useful discussion. Even Libby, in fact, I must thank
02:38From Dubai, Engineer Maher Motam, the first security researcher in the research and analysis team in the world
02:45Kaspersky is from the US state of Massachusetts.
02:49I must thank Mr. Gibri Teker, President of the Proton Stone Institute for Economic Research, very much.
02:58Before the end, the question became clear.