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  • 3 years ago
00:00The question is, Facebook didn't do much against predicting. went against hate speech against groups and closed groups, which are said
00:09A lot of talk, even
00:11about the aspects despite the personal intimacy in people's lives, even the danger on children, which is the largest affected group. Has Facebook done enough in this door
00:22He did enough on this issue, I mean, it is a little more complicated, but did they work conditionally? Of course they made an effort. But the khawares he was there. Of course
00:32He learns,
00:35But, of course, more can be done. Maybe you didn't smell it on me or on me
00:44Cairo put Mother Bax
00:47Lovely. Back to you, Mr. Jeffrey Taker Lee. Ask also at the heart of perhaps the center of economic liberal Washington and America.
00:57Is the presence of these companies there and Facebook in particular
01:00This is a warning to protect the state and control technology companies with federal laws
01:07It may strike at the heart of logic. Let it work.
01:10let him pass and the freedom of economy and competition that washington boasts about . This is a real paradox in front of Congress
01:19and in front of the American legislator in general
01:23To rein in this growing beast
01:30Egypt. It's impressive to see such giants of technology
01:39the orientation and change of the political orientations during the past five years.
01:45big companies and the chamber of commerce tend to
01:52The freedom that you talked about, but things have changed now.
02:00Technology now supports Biden's administration, and we know that there are things that have changed under Biden's administration. If
02:08Yeah, there's some contradiction.
02:13We see a loss of confidence on one side and we see
02:18Google, Microsoft, Facebook and all of these.
02:24Bottom line, I don't think that's gonna solve the problem. What's happening is that the Titans are
02:31Who are they pushing
02:35on those who have influence in the Congress and put pressure on them in all forms, and they already control the organizational authorities.
02:46What's going to happen is more regulatory laws that will be able to
02:55Big tech companies to intervene in their formulation in the first place.