...أمام مضيفه أتلتيكو مدريد في الدوري الاسب...

  • 3 years ago
00:00against its host Atletico Madrid in the Spanish league with two goals to nil, to continue the series of negative results in the Spanish league and the European Champions League.
00:09The economic crisis that the Catalan club is going through affected the sports side and opened the door to
00:15Suffocating crisis.
00:19And the talk about Barcelona's extraordinary crisis joins me now, our colleague Yousef Al-Shafii, the sports section in the east. Hello and welcome. It is only the last thing that has happened with Barcelona.
00:30The crisis in Barcelona can be divided into two parts: a sports crisis and an economic crisis.
00:34Talking about the sports crisis can be portrayed as an identity crisis. As for the Catalan Club, the Catalan Club lost its identity, it lost its prestige today. We sent it, and it can no longer compete
00:44With the elders, we watched and they fell
00:46Successively, he fell in the European Champions League in two times. He fell in the Spanish League and in the Madrid Council. We saw a scattered team, and we saw a fragile team. Frankly
00:55We did not entrust Barcelona with this performance for many years.
00:59Figures and statistics as well as statements never lie. There's a bunch of numbers. The figures confirm that Barcelona is suffering from a crisis and then a super sport. Barcelona
01:08For the first time in 50 years
01:10in the first two matches of the European Champions League in the group stage, those who were defeated in the first round on their land in front of Bayern Munich with three clean goals
01:16and returned to fall with three clean goals in Al-Urush Stadium in Lisbon in front of Benfica
01:20From numbers. There is also a shocking number in two consecutive matches, whether in the European Champions League from Benfica, and at the end of a similar week, the fall of Madrid in one hundred eighty minutes.
01:30Barcelona scored once on the opponent's goal,
01:33And that's shocking information. Spanish newspapers close to the Barcelona Club, especially the newspaper Sport, reported
01:40Shockingly, it confirmed that Barcelona with the departure of a group of stars, in the forefront of which are Messi and Christiano,
01:45sixty six goals in a group of figures that confirm that Barcelona is suffering in addition to statements. We should not forget the statements that
01:52a group of Barcelona players, especially Beijing's neighbors
01:55who came out with shocking statements on two occasions two weeks ago. He said that this is the one we have. I mean, there is no
02:03Beyond the power of every peace. After the end of the match between Atletico Madrid, he said that even if we played for three hours, no goal was scored. I mean, there is a group of things that confirm that Barcelona is suffering mathematically.
02:12As for going back to talking
02:14on economic matters. The figures are shocking and catastrophic figures in the Barcelona Club
02:19According to what was said, Barcelona lost five hundred million euros last season.
02:24barcelona's debts have exceeded one billion euros in recent years . There are those who say that Barcelona must change the coach.
02:32Every time the Laporta brothers come out. The President confirms that
02:36Ronald Kuman will continue as a coach for the team, and he knows very well that if we want to get rid of Ronald Kuman, the Catalan club must pay me Ronald Kuman
02:44A million euros. I think Barcelona's safe holds
02:48the benefit of twelve million euros for a coach, and to get rid of the addition of, if it is not trained, you must come as a coach able to carry
02:58General of this team. I think