ولادة باريس الثانية

  • 3 years ago
00:00prices that reached the highest level in three years and are important to curb inflation. But OPEC
00:06on its way to pump an additional four hundred thousand barrels of oil per month
00:12Therefore, in order to make a big difference with regard to the current prices, perhaps three hundred or four hundred thousand barrels should be pumped in the market.
00:22And the big question
00:23is it able to pump these additional quantities of oil in november and december ? Because we saw in August and September that
00:32OPEC Lass
00:34had produced much less than the ceiling, and there are a number of medium and small producers that are suffering
00:44to reach the current ceiling imposed on them. So there's a big question mark about
00:51the additional quantity that should be put up, and is it able to pump additional quantities of oil into the market? That's a big question right now
01:00It's really the question. But once again, the organization finds itself under pressure from, for example, the White House
01:06who asked OPEC to look at the prices, I mean, how
01:13These high prices contribute to raising
01:16Inflation around the world. There was also a tendency for China to call on Mr. to stop
01:26polarization, or that Putin, I mean, importing, excuse me
01:30Iranian oil. Therefore, this may create another crisis
01:37The oil markets certainly have a shortage in supply. There is no doubt about that Iranian oil, which was expected. Someone was hoping he'd come back
01:49this oil to the market by the end of the year. Currently, there is no opportunity based on what I see
01:54in the Iranian situation. I doubt they'll be able to pump oil by
01:59End of the year. There is pressure from the White House, perhaps not as was the case with Trump, but there is pressure from
02:07The White House and OPEC are aware of the pain suffered by the producers in
02:13Asia. I am here in London, for example, and you will not pay a higher bill for the prices of imports. which consumes eighty five percent of
02:23crude oil is consumed, and this is a problem for the Indian intervention, and OPEC is aware of this and must balance this matter with its interests.
02:33I think that OPEC's strategy, especially keeping the market in a state of shortage in supply
02:40in order to consume the stocks because it feels that we are next year. we will be facing a new surplus in the supply . If
02:48We will be faced with the dilemma of balancing all interests
02:52Because prices prefer higher prices. There are also consumers