ولادة باريس الثانية

  • 3 years ago
00:00any ability to stop any source of immigration coming from the Arab Maghreb in general.
00:09And in particular, there's no message addressed
00:12to these countries, but a message addressed to the French interior, because we have entered today in the stage of preparing the French elections
00:21legislative and presidential elections,
00:23This means that the current authorities must send messages. But this message, which certainly strongly directed the President of Korea,
00:31Which means the rest of the candidates
00:33in the French presidency, they should send more strict messages to the countries exporting migrants and not only
00:43to the Maghreb countries.
00:45Where did he get in today? in the stage of French auctions does not mean anything with regard to the current application with regard to the procedures
00:53Visa. Visa rumors
00:55Visas. Sir, it is one of the items of the agreements that were concluded that are still being renewed
01:03Between France and its former colonies.
01:06Of course, it is one of the peaceful items. There was no actual application on the ground, and there is no deportation of any of the citizens
01:15the Moroccans to their land,
01:17This is the real reason why today's action is only a phase, no more and no less.
01:24Okay, I mean, this procedure? He got the background of reducing the number of visas and statements
01:31issued by the French President.
01:34Could this have a deeper impact on future relations between France and Algeria?
01:42I mean here about what he wants to move to France legally.
01:48The number of Algerians in France today cannot at least be provided consistently.
01:57There are many Algerians
01:59on the French nationality and
02:01is considered among its parts residing on the French territory, and they are certainly multiplying, as I said a little while ago, this does not affect except temporarily
02:11On the souls
02:12some Algerians who do not have the ability to go to France legally, but the Algerian immigrants who
02:22They flow in great numbers every day
02:24on French territory and legally, it will not stop, and this matter will certainly end with the end of the electoral campaign with the end of the elections
02:34Next, which means he'll be dead. She'll be back to normal later. This is only about the French people and not
02:43the Algerian people or the other Moroccan peoples.
02:45Well, the statements of the French President were very sharp, I mean, what was said in them
02:52President Thabo the hostage is a petrified regime. Why do you think such statements are being made?