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  • 3 years ago
00:00In this period, the European Union is undergoing important transformations. Germany
00:04after America, of course, will be different from before Germany and also the European Union. not anymore
00:10Mer's departure would have been as different for the European Union as it was after. Therefore, I think that the French-Greek step or the French-Greek agreement is
00:20an agreement with motives linked to the interests of Greece and France in the first place, and it has nothing to do with
00:26with the interests of the European Union. I think all European members agree to this agreement
00:32or I think that there are real concerns and these concerns are justified
00:38For example. on the one hand, I mean, there is a European fear that the French rush will lead to a re-tortization of relations with Turkey.
00:48Yes, you referred to the arms race during your talk. We will stand now with the report through it.
00:56We are talking about this matter with the intensification of the differences between Turkey and Greece and the talk about an arms race between the two neighboring countries that are originally members of NATO.
01:06The numbers of the website of the Turkish Global Fire Power for the classification of the world's armies show the entry of Turkey
01:12the military arms race strongly compared to its neighbor Greece. We continue
01:35You are
01:37Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:41Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:44Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
02:19Welcome back, our dear viewers. Welcome my dear guests. Back to Mr. Jan
02:25in Paris to Mr. Jean. My guest says that this agreement is the European agreement against Turkey,
02:33And also in view of the changes that are taking place in Europe, there is his adviser or a new adviser in Germany,
02:42We know that Germany was more flexible in dealing with Turkey.
02:47is the situation in the european union compatible ?
02:51in his rejection of what Turkey is doing towards the Middle East and Greece