...وسوف تؤدي دورها وآمل أن تكون أكثر نشاطا ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00It will play its part and I hope it will be more active in the future than it has been.
00:05I ask here, Mr. Mustafa Al-Ammar, what will change in Berlin's policy with the Arab countries with the change of the ruling party now in Germany?
00:16What will change in terms of economic exchanges? the political side, the issues, the issues of immigration, the support of the Arab countries. What do we expect?
00:29Of course, the Arab countries are facing great challenges, just as Germany is also facing. There are things in common that I don't think he's particularly different about
00:38between Germany and the Arab countries, which is the file of terrorism,
00:41the Muslim Brotherhood, religious extremism and others, as well as illegal immigration. I think Mr. Armin's screen even put in our party's road map.
00:51Before the election campaign, we want to be here. There are bridges
00:54especially that he visited Jordan. If there were many visits, and he was also watching how the crises are managed here, especially with the refugees
01:03in Jordan, in Zaatary camp
01:06He also wanted there to be a solution for the two countries. He wanted there to be more support for the Middle East in the Middle East. We also want it to be independent
01:14to Europe in making decisions as the crises occurred in
01:18Afghanistan and our policy with the United States, especially in the management of international crises.
01:24We were, and we still want to be there to be
01:28especially that we are from Arab origins. what comes out of here and there are reports from the European Union, for example
01:34what came out of Dubai a few days ago about human rights and others.
01:38These things have to be objective. you must study better, and this is what we want to say in our course, in terms of our foreign policy, the German foreign policy has been many years
01:48based on haiku mas haiku mas is an actress
01:51Socialist Party. We did not witness developments or as we say, we took upon ourselves the great responsibility. But I think with Mr. Armin, an activist we can
02:00Take advantage of past mistakes. We can make it right here. We must also exert efforts in the fight against terrorism in the fight against ISIS. ISIS still exists.
02:11We also need to be more careful about taking responsibility
02:14in supporting the refugee file. We have to find solutions. Germany also needs the hands of a worker who needs about four hundred thousand labors a year. That's all there is to it
02:23Unfortunately, it was not dominated by the media. through
02:26Our election battle. I just got stuff. It's also simple when we have one Corona. Many Arab countries are still suffering. There's a shortage of resources.
02:36germany has to take more responsibility for managing crises abroad as well .
02:40There is also the issue of Iraq, the issue of Syria. What about the file of Syria? What about the Lebanon file? What about our war against Hezbollah?
02:47What is our war against many extremist movements?
02:51That's all there is to it. I don't think the Socialist Party can manage these crises.
02:56I ask one last question, Mr. Jesus, you take over.