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  • 3 years ago
00:00Exhibition of new investment opportunities in the sectors of the future economy
00:05In environmental affairs, the most important types of investment are the East
00:20God bless you.
00:28Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:30Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:34I am
00:41you have
00:58after four states and sixteen years of power at the top of the first economic power in Europe. Merkel
01:06The strongest woman in the world, who is 67 years old, is outside the race of the German political scene.
01:13In its era, Germany was one of the most distant countries in Europe from any ambiguity regarding the political future. And in light of the elections that warn of the division of votes and the government
01:23including unstable parties. Change may be the share of the coming stage. change, and if the elections were held to the German policy, its repercussions
01:34will not only be limited to the German interior, but will also affect Europe as a whole politically and economically.
01:42Welcome to the Four O'clock. got
01:5516 years of Merkel's rule ends an important period in the life of Germany
02:02It puts the country at a crossroads. and between conservatives and leftists and liberals
02:08The stakes remain based on the shape and features of Germany's political and economic future
02:14Behind it is Europe. As for that, we wonder where the helm of German and European politics will turn in the post-Merkel era.
02:22Will Europe's first economic power be affected by the results of these elections?
02:38With the start of the electoral eligibility in Germany, mystery dominates the fate of the policies established by Angela Mir-Kil in sixteen years
02:47in order to maintain a unified and stable Europe in Berlin
02:52The strongest economic power in Europe was able to eliminate the differences between the Europeans and also guaranteed their support.