...اقتحام إن جاز التعبير . وعملية اليوم...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Breaking and entering, so to speak. And today's operation
00:05balance of terror, so to speak, because what we saw in this deal, which is the title
00:10The ring is a prisoner exchange. This wouldn't have happened. Ten years ago, China was different.
00:19Today, China wants to
00:22to talk from the end to the end
00:26So to speak, as Mr. Ahmed. I mean, we get back from this term, changing the rules of the game, that it is no longer one party that controls the issues, at least with regard to
00:37the economic and commercial scene. Mr. Ahmed, the issue was not only the issue of the financial manager of Hua Wei Company. The idea was
00:45I mean, the great pressure that Washington tried to exert on Huawei Company
00:50by accusing it of spying for the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party, and the issue of the attempt to penetrate the countries that
00:58in which it sells its products or sells them to the networks and the fifth bombing network.
01:03Can we say now that, I mean, these pressures have decreased a lot or will be eased and they are about to change the scene with regard to the investments of the Arab countries
01:13With Huawei Corporation
01:20It seems that China has managed to
01:27change the balance and swing the balance towards it, and it says that it will
01:34develop its own technology strategy in a way that serves its interests, and it did so through
01:43Aggressive diplomacy. as the guest said , china is now able to project its strength
01:54Economics. and in technology in addition to its expansionist policy.
02:00to force the United States to respect its conditions, and this will
02:05makes Huawei's investments more possible in the Middle East. but
02:13The United States still has most influence in the region, and we saw to what extent
02:21you go to maintain this influence. So I guess there's
02:27a new balance but the confrontation did not end. Yes, thank you very much, from New York Mr. Ahmed Ouda, the director of investment and acquisition in a company that exists
02:37For the growth of tech companies.
02:39He thanked the guest from Beirut and via satellite. Sami Nader, economic expert and director of the Mashreq Center for Strategic Studies, thank you very much
02:49but minutes our dear viewers. We will meet again in the program of the meeting