كوكب الرمال

  • 3 years ago
00:00ten million people in afghanistan need aid in light of the drought that the country is suffering from
00:08from Washington through the application of Mr. Tariq Al-Shami, the writer specialized in American foreign affairs in the Arab Independent.
00:15Welcome Mr. Tariq. With us in this bulletin.
00:18Has Washington relied on the Taliban in the evacuation operations and coordinated with it most of the details
00:24and even gave them the names of the Americans and the Afghan collaborators?
00:29Does it have the ability to bypass the movement after even the withdrawal? Or does this statement mean that Washington can
00:37carrying out air operations without coordination with the Taliban? Is this to show the ashes in the eyes no more?
00:46I don't think so. I mean, the coordination that took place with the Taliban was necessary and the United States was forced to do so. It was also in favor of the Taliban
00:58to ensure the continuation of the departure of the US forces on the date set by the administration of President Biden, which is
01:06The end of last August. This was therefore a matter of mutual satisfaction and was necessary. For now
01:14The situation is different with regard to the pursuit of
01:18terrorists and violent groups that the United States believes
01:26free to carry out air strikes
01:29whether through drones or conventional warplanes to target these groups.
01:38I think the Taliban will be happy
01:41if the United States bombed sites belonging to ISIS in the province of Khorasan or ISIS
01:49in Afghanistan, which is one of the strongest enemies of the Taliban.
01:52But this does not necessarily mean that there will be coordination between the two parties, in view of the political sensitivity
02:00the United States in dealing with the Taliban because it is classified as a terrorist group so far, in addition to the Haqqani network, to which he belongs
02:10Interior Minister in the new government Sirajuddin Haqqani, a founding son
02:14this network is also accused of carrying out bloody violence operations in Afghanistan. Therefore, it will be difficult for the United States
02:23Coordinate with
02:24this network or with the Taliban in itself at the current stage, and the matter will remain open
02:33For what it's worth. As for Al-Qaeda, I think that the United States is not developing,
02:39I mean, it will not hesitate to launch strikes against Al-Qaeda organization, despite the Taliban's denial that it still maintains links
02:48between it and the organization.
02:50But of course, there is intelligence information saying that the Haqqani network in particular is linked to some links with leaders from the movement