• 4 years ago
Modak Recipe | Ganesh Chaturthi Special Modak Recipe | Peanut Jaggery Modak

Hello Friends,
In this video of today, here I'm sharing recipe to make super tasty and healthy Peanut Modak with Jaggery and Ghee. Loved by everyone because of the taste and nutritious benefits. So friends, let's start making Peanut Modak ...

#HowToMakeModak #ModakRecipe #ModakRecipeVideo #JaggeryModakRecipe #InstantModak #ModakKaiseBantaHai #ModakRecipeInHindi #गणेशचतुर्थी #QuickModakRecipe #PeanutLaddu #BestModakRecipe #Modak #ModakKiRecipe #MungfaliKeLaddu #ModakHindiRecipe #GaneshChaturthi2021 #InstantModakRecipe #ModakBananeKiVidhi #MungfaliKaModak #PeanutModakRecipe #HowToRecipe #GaneshChaturthiSpecialRecipe #मोदक #EasyModakRecipe #GaneshChaturthiSpecial #मोदकबनानेकीविधि
