...وولف أكبر تناقض لتبديد قلقه الرئيسي ، وه...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Wolff is the biggest contradiction to dispel his main concern, which is reaching a common denominator between religion and the revolutionary concepts that were popular in the 1970s
00:10Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:11The man of mystery, rich and elusive will be provided to the committed writer and specialist in swimming in troubled water
00:18Graham Green is a fertile land that has been enchanted by the likeness of her desires
00:23And the spirit of its intention and its mystery.
00:42- See you
01:28I am
01:34Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
01:39A summary bulletin from the East News. Welcome to the developments of foiling the coup in Sudan. The Sudanese Foreign Ministry said that all the defendants were arrested
01:48They will also be brought to justice.
01:51For his part, the head of the Iraqi Governing Council, Abdel Fattah Al-Barhan, said the armed forces are a guardian of the country's protection and unity.
01:59He also stressed the need to move towards the future
02:02to establish a civil and democratic state.
02:07the proof also added that the main issue is the homeland and not the chairs . he pointed out that the military system is constantly improving
02:16I'm working now
02:18We are living in a situation as security forces and a military system in a better situation and a better situation in our cohesion
02:28in our unit
02:29and to join our cause with the safety of the homeland. We believe that our minister of this country, with our cause, we are fighting for it
02:38What I am is that we are in the political forces
02:41Our national cause must work for it. Our cause is not dedicated nor positions, nor is it the governor or the minister.
02:49the moroccan prime minister - designate aziz al - khannouchi said that he will be careful to balance the new government between the majority and the opposition .
02:58During a press conference, he added