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  • 3 years ago
00:00Neither in the Black Sea nor in any other region. I mean
00:06Turkish interests with the United States are big,
00:10As I told you, it also has military relations through NATO. Russia too
00:19has big interests, I mean
00:22in the Black Sea, and it really wants to control and control this region and this
00:30The sea. And I think that
00:32the step of annexing and annexing the truth of the Ukrainian Crimean region
00:39Prussia was coming in this context.
00:42Crimea is considered a very strategic area in the Black Sea in the Black Sea region
00:51after Russia's control over it.
00:54wants to consolidate its rule in that region through, of course, these political maneuvers, which
01:02through which it shows the truth of Russia
01:06that it is in control of this region and does not want to take any step.
01:14I mean, it retreats backwards
01:17In this context. Turkey rejects Russia's annexation
01:23of Crimea, and the Turkish President has stressed more than once
01:29that this step cannot be accepted because the extremism that resides in the peninsula of Sidi
01:36I mean, they know the truth. Russia is the Crimea peninsula
01:40as a traditional concept from a NATO member state. But in return for this rejection, there is an understanding
01:46and Russian cooperation in several files. We should not forget the issue of the S-400, which is rejected by NATO as well, and which was reached
01:53Turkey. Here, Turkey is trying to catch the stick from the middle, but the question is
01:58At any point, Turkey is forced to get out of this gray area and clarify its position with regard to
02:04This interlocking relationship with both Washington and Moscow?
02:11At the present time, there is no, I mean, the difficult option for Turkey. We're not at the point, but
02:20If things get to that point
02:23Turkey's position has been clear historically since the establishment of Turkey until today, and it
02:33the West and with the Western countries. Yes, there are common interests. what
02:38Russia, but we should not forget that these interests are limited to certain issues. Differences between Turkey and Russia
02:47A lot more than deals. I mean
02:50in Syria, in Cyprus, and also in the west of Bijan