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  • 3 years ago
00:00Consumerism was the main driver of the economy, which was the reason for the rise in the consumer price index.
00:09So these figures in inflation come after Britain had recorded yesterday very good rises in job numbers
00:18in August, where the addition of two hundred one
00:22and forty thousand jobs last August, which are strong rises that exceeded expectations. At a time also, the British government announced
00:30There's still a million jobs or more
00:34It's been vacant so far. This reflects the fact that there is a distortion caused by the Corona pandemic in the labor market, because of course
00:44the British economy or the British government was providing subsidies
00:48for people who lost their jobs as a result of the injury or whose salaries were reduced during
00:57the pandemic. Therefore, it was providing them with monthly support
01:00this or this monthly support will end its term this month. Therefore, we will see a lot of
01:08the British are returning to the labor market, and therefore, it will be reduced
01:12the number of these vacant jobs that are currently available, of course, while waiting for the release of the figures from retail sales. Rita Al-Sayyed on Friday, which will give a picture
01:23Clear around
01:24the British economy, the growth movement and the recovery movement. So in front of this positive data for
01:31for inflation and jobs yesterday. Sterling is still recording
01:35against the dollar and strong rises that reached its highest levels in five weeks against the dollar
01:41Today, the rises continue on the sterling against the dollar. Twenty percentage points
01:46To the borders and the forces of my revolution with me
02:14from the British economy to the Chinese economy, where activity continues to slow in August
02:19with restrictions set by the Chinese government in the last month to curb
02:26the course of the Corona virus outbreak, which this
02:31restrictions at the peak of summer vacation in china . Retail sales grew in August only 2.5 percent year-on-year, much less
02:40from the average expectations
02:42analysts, which was about seven percent, noting that the growth in these sales last July was at eight and a half percent
02:51So we're talking about
02:53eight and a half percent in July against two and a half percent in August. Therefore, there is a big gap between