...سيد الأحزاب التي لها رغبة في المشاركة با...

  • 3 years ago
00:00the master of parties that have a desire to participate in the government. During the presentation of his government formation
00:06The prime minister-designate is leading the two houses of parliament together
00:11the programme of work which he intends to implement, where the programme will be the subject of discussion before both Councils.
00:19This debate is followed by a vote in the House of Representatives
00:23The government is not considered a text until it obtains the confidence of the council by a vote of absolute majority of the members.
00:38Dr. Brennan, I'm sorry.
00:40When his party was announced to win the legislative elections, Prime Minister-designate Aziz vowed to leave
00:46to revive the Moroccan economy after Morocco had experienced crises.
00:51What are the most prominent figures on Morocco's economy?
00:57During 2020, the Moroccan economy witnessed major crises due to the general closure due to the spread of the Corona epidemic.
01:05Its average economy shrank by seven percent.
01:08The worsening economic crisis put Morocco in a crisis of job losses, and as a result, it suffered from the highest rate of unemployment in more than fifteen years.
01:17According to the statistics, there are 1.6 million Moroccans suffering from unemployment at a rate of 12.8 percent
01:25during the first quarter of the year two thousand twenty one. In the industrial sector, there are more than fifty three thousand people who lost their jobs,
01:33in addition to the fact that more than thirty percent of the unemployed are young people.
01:37The crisis extended to other sectors, the most important of which is the tourism sector, which witnessed an unprecedented collapse, as it visited Morocco during the past year
01:462.8 million visitors only
01:49compared with twelve point nine million visitors during the year two thousand nineteen before the outbreak of the epidemic.
01:57If we talk more about the Moroccan issue with us via satellite.
02:00Dr. Abdul Mozzah Ed is of a kind
02:05he is a academic and professor of international law at mohammed v university in rabat . Welcome Dr. Abdul Hafiz with us in the East Department
02:16First, let us go back to the context of today in Morocco, let us go back a step, I mean, with the resounding loss of justice for the Justice Party
02:27and development. The party is fair and equal to Islam,
02:32Have the parties today gone beyond the idea that they will overcome a political scene in general and overcome this shock?
02:46Perhaps the shock is the dinner of the Justice and Development Party more than all Moroccans, given the nature of the solution, the results achieved,
02:55And indeed, the results are in it
02:58I mean first.