A Chiropractic adjustment is the use of a specific force in a precise direction that helps normalize spinal function. The adjustment is applied to a joint that is fixated, “locked up”, or not moving properly. Adjustments help return the bones to a more normal position or motion, restoring body’s natural healing and is highly effective for conditions such as Headaches, Migraines, Neck and lower back pain and other neuro-musculoskeletal conditions.
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Please visit our site at Charles Loo Boon Ann
For more Information's:
Medium: https://medium.com/@charleslooboonann/about
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/charleslooboonann
Twitter: https://twitter.com/charleslooboona
Behance: https://www.behance.net/charlesboonan
Website: https://drcharleslooboonann.wordpress.com/