...اضطر المدنيون للنزوح بعد أيام . وفي الأو...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Civilians were forced to flee a few days later. On the first of September, the two parties reached an agreement with Russian mediation
00:07After it, there was a cautious calm, and the factions started, according to the Russian assurances
00:12Hand over her light weapon. But the agreement soon collapsed on the fifth of the same month after differences
00:19on the percentage of control and the number of government checkpoints in the area of Daraa in the country,
00:25Government forces returned to bomb the area again.
00:31iraq intends to hold a conference for the recovery of looted funds in cooperation between the iraqi ministry of justice and the council of arab ministers of justice
00:39at the League of Arab States. The conference will be held on the 15th and 16th of this month
00:45Under the auspices of the Iraqi Government, a representative of the Ministry of Justice is represented. The Iraqi President had announced in May to one hundred fifty billion dollars
00:54were smuggled out of the country through corrupt deals since 2003.
01:00many corruption cases witnessed by iraq a year ago . Two thousand and three caused a waste of state funds estimated by politicians and parliamentarians in the country
01:09hundreds of billions or billions of dollars. We continue
01:14A corruption march in Iraq, reports say that the country lost about one hundred fifty billion dollars as money
01:22According to the statements of the Iraqi President Barham Saleh,
01:26While a lengthy report by the Washington Institute for Near East Studies pointed out that financial corruption depleted about 25%
01:35From public money.
01:36Parliamentarians said that there is administrative collusion that caused the continuation of the problem of corruption, especially in the border outlets,
01:44companies affiliated to parties are granted exemptions
01:48constitute seventy percent of the materials that enter the country. According to the Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs,
01:57Iraq's oil resources constitute 89% of its budget.
02:02it represents 99% of its exports, but it secures only 1% of the jobs in the national labor.
02:11I'm just bloated. I created the biggest budget deficit in the country.
02:15as it reached more than one hundred billion dollars, according to what was revealed by the Iraqi parliament
02:29The company responsible for the implementation of for the Ford Engineering Project II reported that the last tube was extended from the second track of the project.
02:36The statement issued by the company pointed out that the next step of the project will be to link the Russian gas pipeline
02:42From Germany to Denmark. The head of the Russian gas company announced that the gas line would start operation in a few days' time.
02:52The Russian gas line and the honoring of two constitute an obsession for several Western capitals that see the project as a geopolitical weapon in Moscow's hands to threaten.