...لم لا سيما التنظيم لا بد أن يستخدم أسلوب...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Why, especially the organization must use
00:05in which he changed the tactic at a time when our factions continued to fight in the traditional way,
00:12opening up in dangerous areas
00:14and the failure to secure the logistical support lines and the credibility. What happened today in Kirkuk was very clear
00:22You are the ideology of the organization from cutting the logistical support lines
00:25and isolating and besieging the sectors away from the support forces on the ground. Our lack of air support and air operations led to
00:36Give us these very big losses.
00:38This is in assessing the situation, and in assessing the situation, there is an error on the part of the command and control system in the military institution,
00:46And that doesn't mean we're weak. It just
00:49the planning, which did not secure the second air effort, and at the same time, political parties are demanding the withdrawal of the international coalition
00:57and the United States without paying attention to this equation.
01:01this mistake in the management of the battle and the management of the crisis
01:05on the ground, and we really need to reconsider the confrontation and the clash, and at that time our units are in control. Organization
01:14It is a matter of concern if he gathers a mobile phone and it is in terms of evaluation
01:18does not constitute a threat to the sovereignty of the state or may lead to the collapse of the state, but at the same time, it may carry out qualitative operations
01:25through raids and ambushes and sometimes carrying out operations to bite
01:30to an open segment without the presence of an air cover or an agreement
01:35proactive operations through intelligence efforts, photography, balance, condemnation, electronic,
01:40As if I understand from you that there has been an imbalance in the equation, what is political will prevail over what is security
01:46or strategic in Iraq's ability to fight terrorism or to confront terrorist organizations
01:51and the possibility of the return of ISIS organization again. I talked about the need for aerial photography. the electronic reconnaissance the presence of air support and important air strikes .
02:00Can Iraq today, with all its political, social, economic and security challenges, compensate for this absence
02:09or this lack of capabilities provided by the American forces.
02:16In fact, it is difficult at the moment to consider that there is a shortage in financial resources and air operations that need training
02:25and it needs armament capabilities,
02:27Therefore, it is too early, I mean, there was an emotional strategic mistake with regional effects, the issue of sending a request to leave the foreign forces,
02:36the United States was the motive in the truth,
02:39I mean, he did not read the data accurately. We still need the international coalition and the United States to provide the second air effort, and in my opinion, if there was a higher coordination
02:50With the second judge, he was with the United States to enable it to form a threat and we did not give losses. Hey, by the way today I'm in my work breaker kit.