U.S. Officials Hit By ‘Havana Syndrome’

  • 3 years ago
At least two U.S. officials stationed in Germany sought medical treatment after developing symptoms of the mysterious health complaint known as Havana Syndrome. According to the diplomats, the symptoms include nausea, severe headaches, ear pain, fatigue, insomnia, and sluggishness, which began to emerge in recent months. Some victims were left unable to work. They are the first cases reported in a NATO country that hosts U.S. troops and nuclear weapons. The set of symptoms first surfaced in 2016 among U.S. diplomats in Cuba and have since been observed in China, Russia, and, more recently, in Austria, a neutral nation. The CIA has tapped a veteran of the agency’s hunt for Osama bin Laden to head a task force aimed at finding the cause of the symptoms.
