Prepare Yourself for a FlashFlood With These Tips

Wibbitz Top Stories
Wibbitz Top Stories
3 years ago
Prepare Yourself for a Flash
Flood With These Tips.
It is not uncommon for
people to underestimate
the danger of flash floods.
While some may assume it's
nothing more than a bit of water...
... flash floods are actually extremely powerful and can
occur with little to no warning following a heavy storm. .
They can overwhelm rivers, streams
and man-made water containment systems,
making roads impassable, uprooting trees
and causing power outages. .
As little as six inches of flood water can knock a person
over and as little as 12 inches can move a car. .
Here are eight tips to help prepare
yourself and your family for a flash flood. .
1. Sign up for some sort of alert system so that you
can know of any flood threats as soon as possible. .
2. Create an emergency plan and practice it so
that everyone fully understands their role in it. .
3. Make sure to regularly maintain your sump pump.
4. Always listen to first responders.
If they advise you to do something,
such as not venture out into flood
waters, follow their instructions.
5. Prep a survival kit with some
sort of light source, a first aid kit,
high-energy food bars and plenty
of drinking water.
6. Make sure to regularly clean out any blockages
in your gutters and downspouts.
7. Move important items that are in the basement to
higher ground: such as the attic or on lofted shelving. .
8. Consider purchasing flood insurance and creating a
written and photographic inventory of your property.
