...نظر الناس الى الخراب وقالوا كيف وجد هذا ...

  • 3 years ago
00:00People looked at the ruins and said, “How did he find this mosque?”
00:06Local memory says there was a temple on that site
00:13Founder's residence
00:15he is one of the assistants of the founder of the mongol empire and in his place a mosque was established .
00:25Since Modi came to power, Hindu nationalists have taken it upon themselves to eliminate the effects of other cultures
00:33To preserve only Hindu history.
00:39We see the promotion to Hinduism
00:42In history books, for example, which were rewritten in a way that magnified the Hindu antiquity. And the Hindus are filmed
00:56as victims of discrimination and isolation campaigns. There were accusations
01:03By slaughtering sacred animal cows in Hinduism
01:10When she was simply transferred from the market to a farm.
01:17In the meantime, they were victims of violence or extrajudicial execution.
01:29At the end of the year two thousand nineteen, the national machine was operating at full capacity. Modi has reached the fulfilment of the extremist promises
01:38Which he presented to the Hindus
01:40A few months after the restoration of Kashmir and then his victory in the temple battle. He amended the criteria for obtaining Indian citizenship
01:48and succeeded in passing a law in the parliament
01:51aimed at excluding Muslims.
01:54Thank you
01:56The Citizenship Amendment Act. This is the law that amends
02:00Obtaining citizenship recognizes religion for the first time as one of the criteria. imagine
02:10You're a Muslim living in some part of India.
02:13Someone's gonna leave Babak and say, “Prove that you're an Indian citizen.” How do you prove nationality in India? have you been to remote parts of india ?
02:22People don't have food to eat.
02:25It's a horror show
02:28with this law that confirms the Hindu supremacy. Modi achieved the national revenge program, which was launched in 2014,
02:38But he also launched protest demonstrations
02:41Large-scale throughout India. People are taking measures to support Muslims and are demanding the repeal of the law.
02:49that the demonstrators who stood against Modi do not praise Pakistan or say
02:55We want to destroy India, not enemies of India as the Prime Minister would like