...عشر من اغسطس استفاق العالم على مسلحي الح...

  • 3 years ago
00:00August 10th, the world woke up to the militants of the movement in the Afghan capital as well. Now the world has to ask
00:07that this is the management of the club, which deals with extreme flexibility, and which deals easily
00:12with Iran. We have intelligence estimates that Iran is continuing to produce and use uranium in military use and to form nuclear weapons. Do
00:20Can we ask today that we
00:22we wake up again and find itself in front of another thing. Iran has a nuclear bomb. The whole world is asking, therefore, Iran is pressing
00:29From this position, it exploits the US weakness, exploits
00:34In fact, President Biden's weakness is important, and it is the issue of escalation, the developments that are taking place and the issue of the Iranian nuclear program. Here, I would like to ask Mr. Nigel Gardner about the American options
00:47Because it is the primary objective of this agreement. the first comprehensive joint action plan with
00:52Iran is preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear bomb. Now there is doubt even in the ability of this return or this agreement
01:00in its original form to achieve this goal.
01:04What are the alternatives here before Washington
01:11There are a few alternatives in this area. First, I think that the United States can
01:20reach a completely different agreement with Iran that includes all files and deals only with Iran's nuclear capabilities, but also its program
01:32Missile and its human rights and training record. Lorelei. Iran has already rejected any negotiation
01:41on anything outside the framework of the old deal or the old agreement. It refuses to discuss or include the issue of ballistic missiles.
01:49It refuses to discuss its practices and activities in the region. she refuses any talk,
01:55I mean, the return is preceded by the nuclear agreement and Washington's commitment to lift the sanctions. How can we override
02:01This matter?
02:07Hey, he's building a Sony Dee in the army.
02:09This is of course the position of the Iranian regime and the United States must be more strict with Iran. and I think that the United States should lift
02:20the ceiling of sanctions imposed on the Iranian regime. Sanctions must be imposed on
02:25More officials. And there must be military operations against Iran because
02:31strikes using drones against
02:35Ships and tankers. This led to the killing of European citizens. Iran must be treated as a dangerous country and not a negotiating partner. I have to
02:51The United States is teaching Iran a lesson, and I think President Truman was very effective in sending this message.