00:03:50Is the captain...
00:05:38Excuse me, sir.
00:05:39Will you please call Captain Gerard?
00:05:40It's very important.
00:05:49Your orderly is here.
00:05:50He says he has something very important to tell you.
00:05:52Thanks, Henry.
00:06:07Just a moment, please.
00:06:08Just a moment, please.
00:06:22Captain Gerard,
00:06:23a very lovely lady wishes to dance with you.
00:06:26The daughter of the emir of Bel-Rashad.
00:06:32I'm afraid, sir,
00:06:33she thinks you are a professional dancer.
00:06:35I tried to explain to her,
00:06:37but I'm sorry, sir.
00:06:40What's wrong with that?
00:06:57At your service.
00:07:52You're an excellent dancer.
00:07:54A good partner brings out all my talents.
00:08:00Shall I tell you about some of them?
00:08:02If you don't mind, just dance.
00:08:05Looks like real gold.
00:08:07And everything about you looks real.
00:08:41The pleasure was all mine.
00:08:53What is it, Bamboo?
00:08:54The colonel wants to see you, sir, hours ago.
00:08:57Did you put my uniforms away?
00:08:59No, I never do until after.
00:09:00It was a compromise to my mistress.
00:09:08What's that for, Captain?
00:09:09Service is rendered.
00:09:16Here's our father's outpost in the mountain country.
00:09:19Farnborough is the name of the commanding officer.
00:09:21And over here a few miles, just outside his authority,
00:09:24is the citadel of Bell Rashad.
00:09:27Its ruler has a daughter.
00:09:28A most attractive girl.
00:09:30I know, sir.
00:09:31I met her.
00:09:34We were dancing when you sent for me.
00:09:38I guess I picked the right man for this job.
00:09:42each spring she goes to France
00:09:44and returns here in October
00:09:45when we send a convoy to take her home.
00:09:49Why, this is only June.
00:09:50That's just what puzzles me.
00:09:52A couple of some information I received.
00:09:54It may be significant.
00:09:56So you're to head her escort.
00:09:58And once there,
00:09:59I want you to find out what her father's up to.
00:10:01Yes, sir.
00:10:02After you've left Bell Rashad,
00:10:04take the troops on to strengthen Farnborough's garrison.
00:10:07Sir, my...
00:10:08Your leave.
00:10:09Yes, I...
00:10:10I'm sorry about your leave.
00:10:12But you can have it when you come back.
00:10:14Thank you, sir.
00:10:15The young lady might prove a help somehow.
00:10:17But of course,
00:10:18how you handle that phase of the mission,
00:10:20like the rest,
00:10:21is entirely in your hands.
00:10:23I understand.
00:10:26Your record is an excellent one.
00:10:28Except for certain,
00:10:30shall we say,
00:10:31romantic complications.
00:10:34My duties have taken me into many strange places.
00:10:38So I notice.
00:10:43Casa Blanca.
00:10:44La Roche.
00:10:46In fact,
00:10:47in looking over these escapades of yours,
00:10:49I have a moment of regret that I've become an old man.
00:10:54they say you're only as old as you feel.
00:10:57I also feel old.
00:11:00Good luck, Captain.
00:11:01Thank you, sir.
00:11:56The ladies are getting hungry, sir.
00:11:58Convey my regrets.
00:11:59Tell them we have a schedule to keep.
00:12:26We'll be ready to leave in about an hour.
00:12:28Yes, sir.
00:12:47Are we ready to start?
00:12:48All but the ladies,
00:12:49as you might expect, sir.
00:12:57She always rests after luncheon.
00:12:59I'm sorry,
00:13:00but we have to start in ten minutes.
00:13:04A dancer.
00:13:05And the captain in charge of this convoy,
00:13:07Paul Girard.
00:13:09With the same insolence.
00:13:11Refusing to stop when I asked it.
00:13:14And that miserable look on his face.
00:13:16I don't know what to do.
00:13:18I don't know what to do.
00:13:20I don't know what to do.
00:13:21I don't know what to do.
00:13:22I don't know what to do.
00:13:23I don't know what to do.
00:13:24That hospice.
00:13:25And that miserable lunch.
00:13:27I'll not have my convoy run like this.
00:13:29If this is your convoy,
00:13:31it's fault of yours.
00:13:32If it's mine,
00:13:33we start in ten minutes.
00:13:34You're impertinent.
00:13:35We're still a long way from your territory.
00:13:38By dark I'd like to be where we can't be used
00:13:40as target practice.
00:13:41Ten minutes.
00:13:54Captain, sir, a courier from Tusca just got here with this.
00:14:16Thanks, Bambo.
00:14:47He said he'd be back in an hour or so, but he said he'd be back in an hour or so, but
00:14:54he said he'd be back in an hour or so, but he said he'd be back in an hour or so, but
00:15:01he said he'd be back in an hour or so, but he said he'd be back in an hour or so, but
00:15:08he said he'd be back in an hour or so, but he said he'd be back in an hour or so, but
00:15:15he said he'd be back in an hour or so.
00:15:19Good evening.
00:15:20I've been looking all afternoon for a place to spend this.
00:15:25We must be off the road.
00:15:26Do you mind if I keep it as a souvenir?
00:15:30I'm sorry about that.
00:15:33And if I sounded arbitrary this afternoon why don't you sit down?
00:15:39I'm afraid I don't have a very even disposition.
00:15:43That's not unusual in a beautiful woman.
00:15:46Thank you, Captain.
00:15:48You sound like an expert.
00:15:50Just a student.
00:15:52And I have scars to prove it.
00:15:54And wish for no others?
00:15:56Tell me, do you think we're safe here?
00:15:59As much as can be expected.
00:16:02You French don't trust us much, do you?
00:16:06Now, where did you get that idea?
00:16:08My father.
00:16:15I imagine talking to him would be quite an experience.
00:16:19You might find some of his views quite different from yours.
00:16:23So many minds, so many opinions.
00:16:26And yours, of course, are the correct ones.
00:16:29Why not?
00:16:31I'm afraid you're a conceited man, Captain.
00:16:37And so often, conceit is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
00:16:42Good night.
00:17:07Good night.
00:17:22Good night.
00:17:42Good night.
00:18:02Good night.
00:18:14Good night, Owen.
00:18:19Good night, Owen.
00:18:49That music.
00:18:57Our men have danced to it all over Morocco.
00:19:02Tonight it seems I'm hearing it for the first time.
00:19:07You're very sensitive.
00:19:09And thoughtful, too.
00:19:11You've made a dull journey exciting.
00:19:19I deliver you to Belle Rochette tomorrow.
00:19:22A forbidden city for Frenchmen.
00:19:27A few cigarettes.
00:19:58A note from the Colonel.
00:20:01Curious how wrong a man sitting at a desk can be.
00:20:06About operations in the field.
00:20:10I'm sure the Colonel has complete faith in you.
00:20:18Have you?
00:20:23The woman.
00:20:26It was a woman, wasn't it, that caused you to join the Legion?
00:20:30Have you forgotten her?
00:20:35I never thought there could be another.
00:20:46No, Paul.
00:20:48No, this can never be.
00:20:51Not for us, Paul.
00:20:54You and I are worlds apart.
00:20:57It cannot be.
00:20:59It can be.
00:21:01Clara, I swear.
00:21:03Nothing can stop me from seeing you again.
00:21:50The caravan has been sighted, C.D. Zahidi.
00:21:52Repeat my warning that it shall pass safely.
00:22:00When the convoy arrives, tell the officer I wish to thank him.
00:22:05The Frenchman and Belle Rochette?
00:22:08Last year, she said if I again failed to be courteous, she would see to it herself.
00:22:14So better a small risk than an awkward and perhaps suspicious scene at the gates.
00:22:44Welcome home, Emira.
00:23:07Thank you, Osmond.
00:23:08Captain Gerard, the Cahit Osmond, my father's aide-de-camp.
00:23:12The Emir extends his compliments and asks that you favor him with your presence.
00:23:28So, Captain, you are new to this part of Morocco.
00:23:32Quite, although I served at other stations.
00:23:35It does seem that we provide a fine opportunity for career officers.
00:23:41Some of us wouldn't choose it if we were asked.
00:23:43True, I have no doubt.
00:23:46Must be a dreary life for a stranger.
00:23:49I'm only a soldier of the line who goes where he's sent.
00:23:51May I point out, Captain, that we shouldn't be distressed to see you sent back home.
00:23:59It weren't for us, Cahit Osmond.
00:24:01You might find yourselves a lot unhappier.
00:24:03How typical.
00:24:05Early Arab geographers called this the Isle of West.
00:24:09For Europeans, it's always been Barbary, the home of barbarians unable to take care of themselves.
00:24:15But after your long ride, I shouldn't weary you with such discussion.
00:24:19Thank you again for your kindness to my daughter.
00:24:23It was a pleasant responsibility.
00:24:25And if we meet again, I hope to find you in better spirits.
00:24:29One day, who knows?
00:24:31You may find me quite happy.
00:25:01Captain Gerard extends his compliments, sir.
00:25:19He will report after he's turned his man over to the officer of the day, sir.
00:25:23I've been waiting this long.
00:25:24I'll manage a few minutes more.
00:25:26There must have been something important to detain him so long at Bel-Rashad.
00:25:29I'm sure it was commandant.
00:25:33Ah, nothing more important than the smell of perfume.
00:25:36If I can use the expression, I'm sure I heard of this Gerard.
00:25:41Ladies' men, if you know what I mean.
00:25:44One of those fellows whose whole life is just a parade of women.
00:25:49And what a lovely parade.
00:25:51What was that?
00:25:53The captain.
00:25:57Captain Gerard reporting, sir.
00:26:00Glad to have you with us, Gerard.
00:26:03Lieutenant Glisco, my second in command.
00:26:07We were concerned about you.
00:26:09One of our scouts reported your detachment nearing Bel-Rashad hours ago.
00:26:13I stopped to have tea with the emir.
00:26:15Here are my orders, sir.
00:26:18I've been out here for years, and the only invitation he ever gave me was to keep my distance.
00:26:22Maybe you never had the pleasure of delivering him his daughter.
00:26:25I did.
00:26:26Yeah, I did, and he never had me.
00:26:28He might have thought you'd scare the children.
00:26:31Oh, oh, you mean that, uh...
00:26:33Yes, yes.
00:26:35Your orders state that you'll report only to Colonel Pascal,
00:26:38and that you're to have complete freedom.
00:26:41Very well.
00:26:42Consider us at your disposal.
00:26:44Thank you, sir.
00:26:45I'll try not to ask for too much.
00:26:47Not at all.
00:26:48It'll be a novelty to have a new face at mess.
00:26:50It'll be a novelty for the captain to be with no women.
00:26:54The captain might find it, uh...
00:26:57You know, dull, Lieutenant?
00:27:01Yes, dull, Captain.
00:27:02That's exactly what I was just about to say.
00:27:05The lieutenant sounds as if he was a ladies' man.
00:27:08Oh, me?
00:27:09Oh, no.
00:27:12I see.
00:27:13A married man.
00:27:15Very married.
00:27:16You know, my wife, she liked to fight.
00:27:18And mind you, never straight attack.
00:27:21Always ambushing me.
00:27:22You know what I mean?
00:27:23Bombarding me with flat irons.
00:27:25Ladies' men.
00:27:26Oh, no, sir.
00:27:27As my late father would always say, all women are unfair.
00:27:32If they weren't, there'd be no Foreign Legion.
00:27:35Oh, I wouldn't say so.
00:27:38You see, my late father, he would...
00:27:42Gentlemen, what about a drink?
00:27:45Without ice.
00:27:46Thank you, sir.
00:28:03Has your game taken on new subtleties, Carol?
00:28:06I haven't played since last with you, Father.
00:28:10Then perhaps you're out of practice.
00:28:12Or thinking of something else.
00:28:15Perhaps of being ordered home months earlier than usual.
00:28:18Told not to leave the palace.
00:28:21I'm under the impression of why.
00:28:23I'm afraid sending you to Europe wasn't wise.
00:28:27Just as well you're not to return.
00:28:29Not to return, but...
00:28:34Ever since I arrived at Belle Rochelle,
00:28:37I've sensed a difference here.
00:28:40What's happened, Father?
00:28:42Very little for too many years.
00:28:45But all conditions change.
00:28:48Are you thinking of taking up arms against the French?
00:28:52Why are you so surprised?
00:28:54You know how long that has been my dream?
00:28:56But I always thought it was no more than that.
00:28:59Nothing that you actually intended to do.
00:29:03You think I only talk of my obligations?
00:29:07You have been influenced.
00:29:10Perhaps by some French officer.
00:29:14If you'll excuse me,
00:29:16I'd like to go to my room.
00:29:47Get him down to the dispensary.
00:29:49Yes, sir.
00:30:17That shot...
00:30:19It didn't sound like one of their old muskets.
00:30:22That bullet, when you...
00:30:24Yes, when you take it out of him, we'd better have a look at it.
00:30:27Have a look at it.
00:30:30There wasn't a cock I'd wish I was just about to see.
00:30:47Looks like it's from a brand new weapon.
00:30:50No doubt it is.
00:30:51That explains why you're having a lot more trouble with snipers lately.
00:30:55They're out there like sand fleas and just as hard to catch.
00:30:58Maybe the captain can, you know, attract one for us.
00:31:03Why not? He's just from headquarters.
00:31:05Nice, tender.
00:31:07That's a very good suggestion, Lieutenant.
00:31:10If you find me a NATO's outfit,
00:31:12I'll try and catch one of the Belarusian kind.
00:31:16Captain, I was just joking.
00:31:19It can be a one-way trip, I might tell you.
00:31:25I found the way out before.
00:32:17And how long before we get the bigger pieces?
00:32:20I will do my best to make it soon.
00:32:22But there are problems.
00:32:28You're in.
00:32:31Come back.
00:32:33You're in.
00:32:37You're in.
00:32:39You're in.
00:32:41You're in.
00:32:43You're in.
00:32:44You're in.
00:33:02Your wrist?
00:33:14Your wrist.
00:33:19Your wrist.
00:33:22Who are you?
00:33:25A foreigner!
00:33:44A foreigner!
00:34:14A foreigner!
00:34:44A foreigner!
00:35:14A foreigner!
00:35:44A foreigner!
00:35:45A foreigner!
00:35:46A foreigner!
00:35:47A foreigner!
00:35:48A foreigner!
00:35:49A foreigner!
00:35:50A foreigner!
00:35:51A foreigner!
00:35:52A foreigner!
00:35:53A foreigner!
00:35:54A foreigner!
00:35:55A foreigner!
00:35:56A foreigner!
00:35:57A foreigner!
00:35:58A foreigner!
00:35:59A foreigner!
00:36:00A foreigner!
00:36:01A foreigner!
00:36:02A foreigner!
00:36:03A foreigner!
00:36:04A foreigner!
00:36:05A foreigner!
00:36:06A foreigner!
00:36:07A foreigner!
00:36:08A foreigner!
00:36:09A foreigner!
00:36:10A foreigner!
00:36:11A foreigner!
00:36:12A foreigner!
00:36:13A foreigner!
00:36:14A foreigner!
00:36:15A foreigner!
00:36:16A foreigner!
00:36:17A foreigner!
00:36:18A foreigner!
00:36:19A foreigner!
00:36:20A foreigner!
00:36:21A foreigner!
00:36:22A foreigner!
00:36:23A foreigner!
00:36:24A foreigner!
00:36:25A foreigner!
00:36:26A foreigner!
00:36:27A foreigner!
00:36:28A foreigner!
00:36:29A foreigner!
00:36:30A foreigner!
00:36:31A foreigner!
00:36:32A foreigner!
00:36:33A foreigner!
00:36:34A foreigner!
00:36:35A foreigner!
00:36:36A foreigner!
00:36:37A foreigner!
00:36:38A foreigner!
00:36:39A foreigner!
00:36:40A foreigner!
00:36:41A foreigner!
00:36:43A foreigner!
00:36:51Darling, you've taken care of me.
00:36:57Worth it.
00:37:00You're not sorry I'm here now.
00:37:12Amira, a Frenchman has gotten past the inner gate.
00:37:15A Frenchman?
00:37:16He was seen coming toward the palace, Amira.
00:37:28Father, those shots.
00:37:30They've discovered a French spy at the arsenal.
00:37:32A spy? In the arsenal?
00:37:35He was after one of our new rifles.
00:37:37A rifle.
00:37:41I don't understand.
00:37:43You would if you hadn't become so fond of the French.
00:37:46Go back to your room and stay there.
00:37:48You might not want to see one of your dear French killed.
00:39:09Open the gate!
00:39:28Look at this, sir.
00:39:29One of the new Mausers.
00:39:30André, there wasn't a cock-eyed witch of that old goat Amira has them, then we...
00:39:34Where did you get it?
00:39:35In Bel-Rochette.
00:39:36There are cases of them coming by caravan.
00:39:38And heavier stuff on the way.
00:39:39Did you have any trouble?
00:39:40Yes, the Amira knows what happened.
00:39:43You'd better stop for Tesco tonight.
00:39:44Yes, sir.
00:39:46Yes, sir.
00:39:47You go with him.
00:39:48Bring back any reinforcements Colonel Pascal decides to send me.
00:39:50Yes, sir.
00:39:51I'll be ready as soon as I change.
00:39:53You know what I mean?
00:39:59What does he mean?
00:40:01Oh, the old Cossack doesn't like the idea of dying in a dirty shirt.
00:40:05Sounds like a good soldier.
00:40:06He's the best one I've got.
00:40:08Even if at times I do think he's really a horse.
00:40:11That's good to know.
00:40:12If I lose mine, I'll saddle him.
00:40:15Try to get through Sheriffy and Gap before daylight.
00:40:17You may not make it.
00:40:18Deliver this to Colonel Pascal.
00:40:20Good luck and my personal thanks.
00:40:23Thank you, sir.
00:40:34Ready, men?
00:40:38Yes, sir.
00:41:09Come in.
00:41:20Have you been ill?
00:41:21No, father.
00:41:23Are you offended because I had to ask that you do not go outside the walls?
00:41:28I'm content here.
00:41:30I wonder if you're more emotionally involved with that man Girard than you've told me.
00:41:34I wonder if you're more emotionally involved with that man Girard than you've told me.
00:41:39To me, he's even more despicable than the others.
00:41:43The other night, I thought you felt somewhat differently.
00:41:46That was the other night.
00:41:48I hope you see that he's just another enemy of our people.
00:41:51You needn't worry, father.
00:41:53I know what he is.
00:42:01I'm leaving for a few days.
00:42:02When I return, I hope to bring interesting news.
00:42:08You're going to start it?
00:42:12Goodbye, my dear.
00:42:20Go left. Fire!
00:42:39All armies are the same.
00:42:42Hurry up and wait, if you know what I mean.
00:42:45A hundred devils and a witch.
00:42:48Cock-eyed witch.
00:42:52You know, that waiting, that's the only quarrel I ever had with François.
00:42:56Four weeks I wanted to go to bed, Rashad, to tickle it all good where it tickles most, but no.
00:43:05So what happened?
00:43:07The snipers ping, ping, ping.
00:43:09We wait, and very soon, dead.
00:43:13How would you know the difference? Stuck up there in that hole.
00:43:18Now let me tell you this.
00:43:20That hole, that's the best little hole.
00:43:22I know, it's the best little hole.
00:43:23Ah, gentlemen.
00:43:25Come in, come in.
00:43:26Bring the gun.
00:43:34So, all together, it looks like they're arming for an open assault.
00:43:37Then, Thornville, we'll need some more troops. Let's go.
00:43:40Yes, sir.
00:43:41Take this to Captain Despenet and tell him I want those units assembled at once.
00:43:44Yes, sir.
00:43:47You did a good job, Gerard. You've earned your leave.
00:43:50I don't like to disappoint you again, but I'm short of officers.
00:43:53You have to go back.
00:43:56Yes, sir.
00:43:58Make it a forced march.
00:44:00Iron rations, only enough rest to keep them going.
00:44:02Yes, sir.
00:44:50Tell our men to hold their fire.
00:44:52Too many soldiers.
00:45:21Don't shoot.
00:45:23Don't shoot.
00:45:25There's too many soldiers.
00:45:50Don't shoot.
00:46:08Let us pass. Don't shoot.
00:46:20Don't shoot.
00:46:50Anything wrong, Captain?
00:47:14Get me some scouts and a detail of men.
00:47:21You wait here for my signal.
00:47:23Yes, sir.
00:48:14Sound the advance.
00:50:15And if we follow you into this rebellion, what
00:50:17What of our Sultan?
00:50:19He's friendly to the French.
00:50:21Would you go on to take his power as well?
00:50:26Forgive me.
00:50:28Perhaps that is an unfair question.
00:50:32But let me say only two things.
00:50:35The French have helped us greatly, and they are too powerful to come back.
00:50:44For years I've heard that dismal whimper from weary old men.
00:50:48That we cannot face our invader.
00:50:51But what will the answer be to this?
00:50:56To prove how weak these French truly are, I've wiped out their entire garrison outside my city.
00:51:01So again I say, join me.
00:51:04Go to your people and prepare.
00:51:06And all over Morocco, others will do the same.
00:51:09No, no.
00:51:10No, no.
00:51:28I'm worried about that broken wall.
00:51:31Can it be repaired?
00:51:33Well, you know how it is. We have no cement, have to use mud.
00:51:44You figure the old dork will be back?
00:51:47After what happened?
00:51:49He has to.
00:51:52Here, send this report to Colonel Pascal.
00:51:55And tell La Courier to make it fast.
00:52:00And if it rains, we'll be entirely cut off.
00:52:13You know, I was thinking, we cannot be reinforced for at least a month, and even then...
00:52:17That's why I'm not waiting.
00:52:19Tonight I'm taking a raiding party to Bel-Rachad.
00:52:21To tend to that ammunition dump.
00:52:23None of those how can you think and talk so fast.
00:52:25That was just about...
00:52:26Just the same thing.
00:52:28Yes, sir, same thing.
00:52:30Let me do it, Paul, please.
00:52:32But I know where the place is.
00:52:34So do I.
00:52:36And besides, if you pardon me, you have no right to go.
00:52:38You are in charge now.
00:52:40And I can't give myself the right.
00:52:42Oh, but listen, Paul, listen.
00:52:44As for you, I'm the senior officer here.
00:52:46I'm a good soldier, all right.
00:52:48But you know, this, running things, plans, organizing, no.
00:52:51No, Paul, if you get killed under me, this post falls down like a sick horse.
00:52:55There are three other officers here.
00:52:57Oh, what are you saying?
00:52:59All officers.
00:53:01One is a boy just out of Saint-Cyr, two others just as new.
00:53:04No, you and me, we are the only ones with time in the field.
00:53:07And if you pardon me,
00:53:09I've had many commandants, but...
00:53:11From what he was the only one I...
00:53:14You know, I could really like.
00:53:18So I've got to make those butchers pay a little for that one-armed old...
00:53:23Son of a gun.
00:53:26And you won't stop me, Paul, will you?
00:53:33All right.
00:53:34I take only volunteers.
00:53:38And come back, you hear?
00:53:41That's an order.
00:53:43Yes, sir, an order.
00:53:45I'll go as soon as they change my shirt, if you know what I mean.
00:53:49And thank you, Paul.
00:54:04Help me, help me!
00:54:39Move it!
00:54:57Break down the door!
00:54:59Come on!
00:55:04Come on.
00:55:06The arsenal is empty, the old guard has taken everything.
00:55:10All right.
00:55:12We'll take the old guard himself.
00:55:14Follow me!
00:55:21Let's work!
00:55:23Follow me!
00:55:25The rest of the men, around the palace!
00:55:34Let's go!
00:56:04Let's go!
00:56:32Take care of him!
00:56:35Let's go!
00:56:47What do you want?
00:56:50Your father.
00:56:51He's gone.
00:56:53Days ago.
00:57:04A month later.
00:57:29You made it.
00:57:30Do you have any luck?
00:57:32I've got a prisoner.
00:57:33A prisoner?
00:57:34In here.
00:57:39Hey, come here.
00:57:51I thought you were killed with the rest of them.
00:57:59Kidnapping women.
00:58:00What did you do?
00:58:01Get your armies mixed up?
00:58:02Oh, the old guard was gone, so I thought that we had the hostages...
00:58:05You thought?
00:58:11Where's your father, Karen?
00:58:14Out boasting to the other tribes?
00:58:17Do you know we lost over a hundred men here?
00:58:19Too bad you weren't among them.
00:58:23Put her in my room.
00:58:25I'll move in with you.
00:58:30Come on.
00:58:50I wonder what happened to the water.
00:58:56I guess we'll have to start water racing.
00:58:59It's always low in summer, but...
00:59:01Never like this.
00:59:03We got a lot of men here now.
00:59:04We might have to turn the horses out.
00:59:07But, Captain...
00:59:08Those cavalrymen, they will be like a hornet with a toothache.
00:59:13The stream that feeds this well.
00:59:15You think you can get the stock there after dark?
00:59:17Oh, sure.
00:59:18It's only a few miles.
00:59:19Have your sergeant take them over.
00:59:21I'll do it myself.
00:59:22I know the place.
00:59:23But this time, only do what you're supposed to do.
00:59:28Yes, Captain.
00:59:58Let's go.
01:00:28Hold it!
01:01:23Tara, I want to talk to you, and I want you to listen carefully.
01:01:29Listen to some more of your lies?
01:01:32I did lie to you.
01:01:33I had to.
01:01:34My return with that gun meant the saving of thousands of legionnaires all over Morocco.
01:01:38Can't you understand that?
01:01:40I didn't have time for explanations.
01:01:42I'm not interested in them now.
01:01:44Why are you holding me here?
01:01:46Because an entire garrison was massacred here, and we can't afford to lose any more men.
01:01:51But you can be sure nothing will happen to you.
01:01:54Have you finished, Captain?
01:01:57The night before our arrival at Belrushan, I told you I loved you.
01:02:01That happened to be the truth.
01:02:07Unfortunate, isn't it?
01:02:28What is it?
01:02:29They're dynamiting the river.
01:02:31Change its course.
01:02:33That means our well will go completely dry.
01:02:36We must let the horses go now.
01:02:39I guess you're right about the horses.
01:02:42They'll be better off than we will.
01:03:00The stream is hot, Sidi, just as you ordered.
01:03:05Soon that miserable fort will start weakening.
01:03:08Still, waiting might be dangerous.
01:03:10I know.
01:03:12But I can't attack with my daughter there.
01:03:28How did they take it?
01:03:31A cavalryman with no horses, like a foot soldier with no feet.
01:03:44Have the gate opened.
01:03:47Open the gate!
01:03:57Come on.
01:04:27Let's go.
01:05:34Our water supply has been entirely cut off.
01:05:37We might not get any more until reinforcements arrive.
01:05:41So hereafter, each man will be limited to one cup a day.
01:05:45I hate to give this order,
01:05:47but anyone caught stealing will be shot.
01:05:51The Arabs may wait a while before starting over here again.
01:05:54So we have to conserve as best we can.
01:05:57At ease.
01:06:05Tip it slowly.
01:06:06It'll last longer.
01:06:25You must be lucky in love, Bamboo.
01:06:30Lend me another cup. You know I'm good for it.
01:06:43You'd better be.
01:06:44All right.
01:06:46You'd better be.
01:06:47All right.
01:07:15Lend me another cup.
01:07:35Still losing, huh?
01:07:37You know, Lieutenant, when you have to win, you never do.
01:07:45Hey, hey, hey. Drink it here. No gambling.
01:07:49What are you, Bambu, a card player?
01:07:52Oh, no, sir. No, no. But the men I play with are.
01:07:56You heard the captain about how we have to hold out.
01:07:59Right now you need water as much as you need your gun.
01:08:05What would you think about a soldier who went into battle without a gun?
01:08:10Well, I think he was an officer, sir.
01:08:15Good day.
01:08:19If we can get the channel back again, the well might begin to work.
01:08:51I never thought I'd dream of that.
01:10:11It's been a long time since I talked to you.
01:10:23I almost forgot how, but...
01:10:27How are you?
01:10:39Our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
01:10:46Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
01:10:56Give us this day our daily bread.
01:11:00And forgive us our trespasses
01:11:03We forgive those who trespass against us.
01:11:08Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
01:11:14For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory.
01:11:20Forever and ever.
01:11:41Come in.
01:12:00Poor Bambu.
01:12:04Just a little water.
01:12:10Our situation is pretty desperate.
01:12:16There won't be any more water after tonight.
01:12:19What's gonna happen to the men?
01:12:21And to us?
01:12:25Evidently your father's satisfied to let you die with us.
01:12:32He's been too deep to draw back now.
01:12:35Even for me.
01:12:38We're not gonna stay here and be trapped like a bunch of rats.
01:12:42We're gonna make a break for it tomorrow.
01:12:50I believe now what you said the other night.
01:13:20Good night.
01:13:46Good night.
01:14:03Come on.
01:14:24Come on.
01:14:56Hey, you camel.
01:14:58Why aren't you out there sopping up some of this miracle?
01:15:04What is it?
01:15:05The wall.
01:15:06How long will it last?
01:15:08An hour, perhaps less.
01:15:11You know, it was made of mud and sand.
01:15:14Looks like the Indian mayor will attack it soon as it falls down.
01:15:19Oh, no, he won't.
01:15:21Don't forget our little pigeon.
01:15:25She isn't here anymore.
01:15:26She did?
01:15:28I couldn't let her die for something that wasn't her fault.
01:15:31So I let her go last night.
01:15:34You what?
01:15:36I didn't think it would rain.
01:15:38And after all, she's a woman.
01:15:40Who is a woman?
01:15:42She's a hostage.
01:15:43And what if she did die?
01:15:45She any better than the rest of us?
01:15:52That's it.
01:15:53That's it.
01:15:54You think she's in love with you.
01:15:55And because she's in love with you, she will talk her father out of trying to kill us.
01:15:59Maybe I made a mistake.
01:16:06There goes the wall.
01:16:14Come on.
01:16:22Well, what are you going to do?
01:16:25I'm going to get the explosives ready.
01:16:26You start setting up the minefield as soon as the rain stops.
01:16:29Plant most in front of the broken place.
01:16:32Yes, sir.
01:16:33Get the machine guns in order.
01:16:34Very well, sir.
01:16:41Let's go.
01:16:50Let's go.
01:17:19The wires are all set up and connected, sir.
01:17:21Anything else?
01:17:23Have the men take their stations.
01:17:24Yes, sir.
01:17:48Why aren't the others here?
01:17:55Perhaps as I feared, they have reconsidered.
01:17:58We'll wait until dawn.
01:18:13Cover this entire section.
01:18:27You, sir!
01:18:38As you were, sir.
01:18:52Well, they can come any time now.
01:18:57They will.
01:19:10What is it?
01:19:11Word has come that the rest of the Kaids have refused to join us.
01:19:15They want no more French killed.
01:19:19Nor do I.
01:19:22Have my horse saddled immediately.
01:19:24I must stop my father.
01:19:36Still no sign of them.
01:19:39Then we'll do it alone.
01:20:08Ready, halt!
01:21:45Prepare for attack!
01:22:14Prepare for attack!
01:22:43Prepare for attack!
01:23:12Prepare for attack!
01:23:51Prepare for attack!
01:24:20Prepare for attack!
01:24:49Prepare for attack!
01:25:19Oh, they're here!
01:25:31About her, Paul.
01:25:35It's no use to keep remembering.
01:26:03In accordance with my pledge, I've come to renew our oath of allegiance.
01:26:30In the name of the French government, I accept your word.
01:26:33And thank you for your good officers and helping to restore order.