5 Ways to Cut Costs DuringBack-to-School Shopping

  • 3 years ago
5 , Ways to Cut Costs During, Back-to-School Shopping.
According to the National Retail
Federation, parents spend an annual
average of almost $700 on school supplies.
Here are five cost-cutting tips
to help you save money on
back-to-school shopping.
1. Round Up the Supplies You Have, Before you go out and buy all new materials, take stock
of what your kids still have from last year’s supplies.
2. Visit the Local Dollar Store, When it comes to basic supplies such as pens,
paper and notebooks, the Dollar Store often
offers these items for significantly lower prices.
3. Deal Hunt for Big-Ticket Items, Coupon searching can be time consuming,
so try to focus your efforts on the more
expensive items you’ll need to purchase.
4. Only Buy What You Need, Most stores mark up their prices during back-to-school
time, so if there are supplies you don’t immediately
need, wait until after school starts to purchase them.
5. Spend Time Shopping Online, Shopping online not only saves time,
but it also helps you stay true to your
shopping list and only buy what you need
