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  • 3 years ago
00:00Taking classes is still a faction, and the Geneva operation profits are very normal
00:05especially that we are testing levels that have not visited the market since 2008.
00:10Of course, this is a positive indicator that we will skip the summit of Arshad and 14at eleven thousand one hundred sixty
00:17The market is trying to reach the 2008 summit
00:21which were at eleven surrenders and sixty five, of course, supported by the positive results
00:28which appeared from a section of the chemical sector.
00:37He also got better at the company last year.
00:43As for the course of oil prices, I think that the levels of countries that the market was working to reach
00:49it was not more than sixty dollars . Today, we are in the levels of seventy one dollars. Therefore, it is considered that a very reassuring level and a positive indicator on
00:58The whole truth, and the part
01:00About a request at the White House. I think that this request is not new, but in the end
01:09Producers and consumers alike will look to the interest in the long run
01:14The tall one. This demand may be attributed to a popular speech more than
01:24an economic speech, and America is
01:26the largest oil producer in the world, I mean, it has to increase its production when it says that it is able to cover
01:35its needs and that it is exporting oil, so stop exporting
01:41and the oil is distributed inside it and it's for sure at a price
01:45A little less. in the demand is illogical because the countries also suffered a lot from the year 2020. Therefore, the long-term interest
01:55It's not a yes. Contribute to a narrow view of what he sees
02:02Let's focus on the results of the business of the companies listed in the foundation of the South, which records mid-term and four-year declines.
02:09Do we expect to influence the monetary revenues based on the decline in profits for the cement sector in particular
02:19I think that the cement sector with the momentum, the projects that were launched or have been launched, whether from the General Investment Fund
02:27or the tendency to develop and develop
02:29the real estate development industry. There is a very big future in demand. This dispute, the photography that can move
02:39in the coming year, if some countries started to rebuild, especially Yemen
02:46and norms. Therefore, there is no problem. I think with regard to the cement sector, the retreats
02:53it is possible during a stage
02:57Corporate business