...مرحبا . نعم . منطقة اسيا ن وجنوب شرق آسي...

  • 3 years ago
00:00Hey, there. Yes. Asia N and Southeast Asia was slower
00:06the distribution of vaccines from other regions and States.
00:11Most of the countries in the region have not been fed
00:18more than ten percent of its population, and ninety percent do not have vaccination. According to current figures.
00:27This is happening at a time when we find the health infrastructure
00:33in a bad situation, which is difficult or a harder situation than the other areas. And the debts in the South Asian region are flying
00:42Where there's a hot spot.
00:45Debts due to or excuse for deaths in the region are high,
00:53This affects the currencies, bonds and stock markets of these regions.
00:58Philippine, Malaysian indicators are among the worst performances in the world
01:05The Thai Bat is among the worst currencies in the world in this quarter.
01:11It is trading at the levels of 2018 against the US dollar and government bonds in Thailand, the Philippines and Malaysia.
01:21I am
01:22She received
01:24a blow, and there is a decline of 1% in these areas. So the bad situation in the various financial assets in the Southeast Asian region right now,
01:36This is what the markets reflect. So for the time being, does it reflect a picture of the economies of these countries? And did
01:45You see that this retreat
01:48Originally, my time slipped
01:55That's correct. South-East region
02:00Asia's financial assets reflect what is happening in its economy. And that's not all we see in a country like India
02:10even with record numbers of injuries. But indications
02:16the indian stock exchange continued to record numbers . In Southeast Asia, the situation is different
02:23MS pointer. C. A-Asia N-Shares has fallen by 5% since the beginning of the year
02:29And he's behind on his worldly peers
02:34The same thing is true. With regard to the government bonds there, Indonesia is a bright spot with regard to the government bonds. It has remained
02:43Hanging in there. The reason is partly because this country
02:47to avoid public closures and Indonesia's economy is in a relatively good and stable situation, and