...هذه الديون فيها التضخيم يعني اربع مليارا...

  • 3 years ago
00:00These debts are inflated, I mean, four billion dollars. If we go to Egypt, Al-Sisi, this is Egypt
00:08With electricity, more than 20,000 megas
00:11with four billion dollars, and we import or buy electricity with billions of dollars. Iran only gives us one thousand or two thousand dollars.
00:21Isn't that
00:22exploiting the Iraqi situation or the political and security situation? Iraq? Where did you become a neighbor? where did the two countries or the two peoples have in common ?
00:32Isn't Iran supposed to stand with Iraq
00:35not with the government. We have distanced us from the government and not with the politicians, at least with the poor in the center and the south, who today cannot
00:44he paid the bill for the generators in the streets
00:47and not the electricity bill for the government. Therefore, corruption, pleasantries and favoritism for the Iranians, even at the expense of the poor
00:56In the middle
00:57And the South.
00:58Dr. Hussein, I mean, through Iranian statements, I mean, it is not clear that Iran is interfering
01:07in some affairs in the affairs of Iraq when it supports some groups loyal to it
01:14that it supports politically, militarily, and security. Therefore, I ask you here, perhaps, does this not contradict? or how Iran views today
01:24this Iraqi openness to the neighboring countries
01:28to the countries of the region? Does Iran use a file like electricity in order to put pressure on
01:36Iraq as it was? Mr. Najm recalls
01:43First, Mr. Najm did not say that Iran provides nine power stations to produce electricity
01:53in iraq by gas
01:56it also visits iraq by electricity . Over here
02:00These debts are not electricity, part of it is electricity, but all of it is about
02:10i mean the gas supplied to iraq
02:13And Iran, by the way, provides gas with reductions on the international price, I mean
02:22the issue that Iran is exploiting and this talk
02:25That means media. Iran deals with Iraq with reductions in the issue of gas
02:34it supplies nine power stations in iraq
02:38with gas, and four billion are accumulations, I mean, on the whole, of gas and not electricity.
02:47The second topic
02:49I mean, the Arab countries that signed with Iraq to provide it with electricity did not visit,
02:57Mr. Najem is not opposed to Arab States.