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  • 3 years ago
00:00about its responsibility or responsibility, according to the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or the ABC.
00:08The present report is issued
00:10Yesterday, the most prominent climate scientists in the world issued their strongest warning so far about the state of climate emergencies
00:23In a report based on fourteen thousand individual studies, the United Nations launched the Ha incident by pointing out that the responsibility of humanity
00:32About global warming
00:34There's nothing wrong with it. The report shows that the planet has witnessed during the past decade the hottest period since one hundred twenty five thousand years,
00:44Atmospheric CO2 levels reached their highest levels in 2 million years.
00:50According to the report, which was described by the Secretary-General of the United Nations as a red alert for humanity, the activities related to agriculture and fossil fuels
01:00Contributed to high levels of methane and nitrous oxide
01:04to its peak since at least eight hundred thousand years. These huge numbers have been reflected over the years in the current high temperatures,
01:13Where the heart is the worst greenhouse gas in the atmosphere
01:17Enough to heat the planet up by one and a half degrees centigrade. The United Nations report confirmed that scientists have achieved a giant step in the field of linking
01:27Between temperatures and industrial emissions.
01:30After more than four decades of research, they were able to determine a possible range of altitudes ranging from 2½ degrees Celsius to 4 degrees Celsius
01:40in temperatures compared to the levels before the industrial revolution,
01:44It is a scope that is much more precise than the previous possibilities and raises the degree of risk that the world may face in the future. However,
01:54Scientists say in their report
01:56Once the emissions on the planet stopped, the temperature would stabilize in a few decades
02:02Only, but some of the effects of global warming, sea-level rise, remain unrepairable for centuries.
02:10And this race, while mankind can avoid it
02:14And the inevitable.
02:18Joining me now from Beirut is Dr. Nadeem Mahmutfarullah, Director of the Climate Change and Environment Program at issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and Affairs
02:27welcome to you with us.
02:29Thank you so much for coming back to the program. The report was clear. The human being is responsible for the disasters that threaten his life
02:39According to the human report. I would have smoked the climate to the highest level in 100,000 years, how? How do we do something like that?
02:48Good morning. Thank you for having me. A report without a doubt is terrifying
02:55If someone wants to think about it right, it's terrifying because it's us
02:59Before humans.