...صباح اليوم وعلى متنها وفد أمني روسي اضاف...

  • 3 years ago
00:00this morning with a Russian security delegation in addition to three hundred tourists.
00:07It is scheduled to arrive from Moscow five flights a week to Hurghada
00:12and five trips to Sharm El-Sheikh after Egypt took all measures to receive Russian tourists.
00:23For more details, joining us from Cairo, Al-Sharq correspondent Mohammed Al-Khouli. Welcome Mohammed. And I think
00:32It's a happy day today
00:35for the owners of tourist facilities in Sharm El-Sheikh or in the West, as well as
00:44the owners of the bazaars and the owners of
00:46small projects that depend mainly on tourism. Can you describe to me what it means
00:57This news?
00:59Yes, my greetings to you Mr. Moataz and certainly a long awaited day for those working in the tourism sector.
01:07the tourism sector has been losing since the corona epidemic one billion dollars every month
01:14According to the statements of the Egyptian Minister of Tourism, the state pushed to help in a big way over two years.
01:24to lift the tourism sector from these huge losses.
01:27With the return of Russian tourism today, economic gains or profits are expected to reach nearly four billion dollars
01:36after the regularity of these flights.
01:39The Ministry of Civil Aviation announced seven weekly flights that will be from Moscow to the cities of Sharm El-Sheikh and Hurghada
01:48by four flights to the city of Hurghada,
01:52three flights to the city of Achar with the Sheikh. Certainly, Cairo has greatly prepared to receive these Russian tourist delegations
02:01There are joint security measures between the Egyptian side and the Russian side. The Russian side was on board the first plane that arrived to the city of Hurghada
02:11Review of procedures
02:13security and also health. There is another delegation that will arrive to Sharm El-Sheikh airport with the first flights that will reach the province of
02:21South Sinai to review those measures.
02:25The Egyptian Ministry of Health vaccinated all workers in the provinces of South Sinai and the Red Sea
02:32in preparation for receiving Russian tourism again.
02:37Mohammed, I mean, one last question, I mean, because of the lack of time, I mean, how does the Egyptian government seek to tighten security measures
02:47in the airports of Hurghada and Sharm El-Sheikh as well as
02:51sending a message to the international community that things are under control and a matter.