Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray on August 8 announced the resumption of Mumbai local trains from August 15. However, only fully vaccinated people will be able to commute. So, in the initial phase, train travel will only be allowed for people who have taken both doses of their Covid-19 vaccine. Passengers will also have to complete 14 days after receiving the second dose of the vaccine to travel by local train. The chief minister said there will be an app to get the train pass. Through this app, passengers can generate a travel pass. The train passes will also be made available at local BMC ward offices. The Chief Minister warned that authorities will have to announce a lockdown if coronavirus cases go up. Maharashtra had eased restrictions by allowing all shops to remain open till 8 pm. Meanwhile, in Pune & Pimpri Chinchwad, all the shops to remain open till 8 pm for six days a week. All hotels, restaurants are allowed to operate with 50% seating capacity till 10 pm on all days. Shopping malls to remain open till 8 pm on all days but entry will be only allowed to those who are fully vaccinated. Maharashtra reported 5508 cases & 151 deaths in the last 24 hours. Watch the video to know more.