...في اركان مسجل في ما بيننا حقيقة عنده اني...

  • 3 years ago
00:00In fact, there is a record of some things between us that I
00:04It was an excellent position, and I praised the American position in recent days. In fact, they benefited from the issuance of the resolution recently
00:14which exempts them from
00:17From the black. But it took days until the United States started to understand, and if this issue is internal
00:26It does not mean much talk about it, perhaps an act and a reaction within the US administration.
00:30But the envoy's speech was very excellent. Honestly, I mean, you mean
00:38that the talk of the envoy and this tribute to the steadfastness of Ma'rib
00:42reflect what some are saying that the administration of President Joe Biden is the same as the administration of former US President Barack Obama. The question came from the Houthis
00:51Are you saying that the United States of America
00:54was finally convinced by Al-Houthi that he should have remained on the list of terrorism, for example?
01:01Of course, the United States of America and other countries of the world have balances of interests,
01:08But I do not think that there is an interest for any country in the world on Iran in these militias and their like, because the militias of destruction,
01:18Death militias are militias that are raised in their arms
01:21Terrorism is a militia that affects the international corridors and affects the international interests.
01:27Yemen is a small country, but they have very important corridors
01:31It occupies an important area in the south of the Arabian Peninsula. This issue is up to the US administration and its thinking in this issue.
01:40But speaking of what I heard
01:42from the envoy who was built directly
01:45You said a little while ago that Al-Houthi never left a chance to go back. He did not leave an opportunity for understanding
01:53with all transparency in Sanaa in the General People's Congress. The first row is row of Houthi
02:00Al-Houthi, which does not constitute less than 5% of the Yemeni component in Saada, has become the one in control of Sanaa to tell him by force of arms,
02:09Why don't the Yemenis or the Yemenis leave
02:12the militants in Sanaa against Al-Houthi? Why this fear of this simple ingredient? Is he, for example
02:19Greed for power and for financial and authoritarian advantage
02:23by some groups in Sanaa and the surrounding areas. Therefore, they want peace and a handshake with Al-Houthi or what?
02:34Full control of them
02:37full control over
02:40on these people, I mean, Al-Houthi is fully controlling them.
02:44Yes, exactly, with weapons, with the force of weapons, things we don't know, money.
02:52in addition to the level they have been since the beginning, I mean, since the beginning, they preferred this place.