...يعني البارحة كان هناك بيان للجيش اللبنان...

  • 3 years ago
00:02Yesterday, there was a statement by the Lebanese army, especially the artillery response, in which he spoke about the response
00:09and how it reached certain places, villages and Lebanese towns. The army said that
00:14is looking for the rocket launchers to pursue them, but after the evening raids until this moment, there is no details or an official statement
00:23on the Lebanese side about the truth of what happened,
00:26What is the impact of these Israeli targets? basically
00:30The news spread after, I mean, what was said by the people of the south about very strong voices that they hear in the region,
00:36But as I mentioned until this moment, there is no official statement explaining what happened yesterday, and where did the Israeli response focus
00:44Al-Sharq correspondent from Beirut with her, thank you very much for this intervention and all this information.
00:54Israeli government bodies asked the American Administration to put pressure on the Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah district to accept the Supreme Court's offer regarding the crisis.
01:04The dissolution of the court requires the Jerusalemites to remain in their homes as settlers, provided that they pay one thousand five hundred shekels annually
01:11the company that asked for their evacuation, but the company and the residents have reservations on this case.
01:18Several stations witnessed the issue of Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood since the threats to expel Palestinian families from their homes in the neighborhood last May.
01:26to reach the Israeli judiciary's proposal for a solution on the prisoners.
01:31On the third of last May, he returned the tension to Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem
01:37With the continuation of a fierce judicial battle over the fate of threatened Palestinian families
01:43to evacuate in favor of Israeli settlers. A few days after the start of the demonstrations condemning the evacuation of houses in Al-Maqdisi neighborhood,
01:53The Israeli court adjourned
01:56hearings on the evacuation operations, while bloody clashes broke out between the Palestinian sides
02:03He's Israeli. On May 10, the UN Security Council failed to issue a joint declaration
02:10on the situation in Jerusalem and Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood
02:13after Washington considered it inappropriate to send a public message at that stage.
02:20July 22 witnessed the injury of twenty people and the burning of a Palestinian house
02:26as a result of attacks by settlers on the neighborhood despite the end of the clashes and the announcement of a cease-fire
02:33between the Gaza Strip and Israel through international mediation.
02:38On July 31, the Israeli forces closed the neighborhood completely while suppressing a demonstration of the residents
02:46coincided with a session of the Israeli Supreme Court on the issue of evacuating the neighborhood.
02:52On August 2, the Supreme Court proposed a solution to the crisis in which the population would remain in their homes. and from