• hace 4 años
In the space of business training, some general characteristics have been established that define successful entrepreneurs:

1. Use research

It is the tendency to look for real data that allow solutions to problems. Good entrepreneurs take advantage of research, especially that which serves to develop their capabilities.

2. Seize opportunities

Entrepreneurs are aware of those challenges that may arise, not only from their own projects. Knowing how to identify opportunities is a useful quality if they are later taken advantage of.

3. Be resilient

Having the ability to withstand adversity without being harmed is a great step towards overcoming them. In addition, it is an attitude that provides strength in the face of future problems.

4. Have a global vision

A holistic vision allows taking into account all the factors that surround the business. This perspective offers more information and serves to alert you to potential risks.

5. Be adaptive

The ability to adapt to changes ensures survival. The initial business idea can be improved as it is put into practice. The entrepreneur must be flexible to know how to adapt to a changing environment.

6. Know how to communicate

Communication is vital to success. It is necessary to know how to transmit to partners, collaborators, employees, suppliers or customers. Being didactic, clear and persuasive are qualities that help good communication.

7. Apply critical thinking

An essential trait of the good entrepreneur. Things are not done for nothing or to follow a tradition, you have to analyze the reasons and find the best way to solve the problems. It is worth questioning yourself and practicing self-criticism.

8. Act ethically

Not everything goes to reach an end. Projects must be built solidly, transmitting confidence to all those involved. It is important to show respectful and ethical behavior from the first moment.

9. Have negotiation skills

A good entrepreneur must know how to navigate negotiations to reach agreements. This affects the staff and partners, but also all agents external to the business.

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