• 4 years ago
四千年前的小冰河时期形成冰河湾 (Glacier Bay), 数千年后冰河不断向前推进, 并在1750年时达到鼎盛, 然而自此之后冰河却开始融化后退. 这里有无数的冰山, 深入阿拉斯加冰川的心臟— 冰河灣國家公園, 近距離觀賞氣勢磅礴的巨大冰川, 傾然欲墮地奔向大海. 冰川湾国家公园和自然保护区是美国国家公园, 位于朱诺以西的阿拉斯加东南部. 卡尔文·柯立芝总统于 1925 年 2 月 25 日根据 "古物法" 宣布冰川湾周围地区为国家纪念碑。
Travel To Alaska Glacier Bay:--
The Glacier Bay formed during the Little Ice Age four thousand years ago. Thousands of years later, the glacier continued to advance and reached its peak in 1750. However, since then the glacier has begun to melt and retreat. There are countless icebergs, Go deep into the heart of Alaska' Glacier Bay National Park, and watch the majestic and huge glaciers, up close, and then fall in to the sea. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve is an American national park located in Southeast Alaska west of Juneau. President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed the area around Glacier Bay a national monument under the Antiquities Act on February 25, 1925.


