• 4 years ago
在昆虫的世界中, 许多昆虫具备不可思议的本领. 例如小小的跳蚤, 奋力一跃的高度, 居然能超过自己身高的200倍, 还有蟋蟀和蝗虫, 跳跃能力也十分出色. 更令人惊讶的是, 蚂蚁可以举起相当于自身体重52倍的物体. 就连看上去躯体纤弱的蝴蝶, 有的也能像候鸟一样, 迁飞时连续飞几百米或上万千米, 甚至更远的路程....昆虫之所以有如此惊人的力量, 秘密就在于它们有特别发达的肌肉组织. 根据科学家的研究, 昆虫的肌肉不仅结构特殊, 而且数量多. 例如人类有600多块肌肉, 而鳞翅目昆虫的肌肉, 竟有2000多块. 昆虫的肌肉除了能帮助跳高跳远外, 还能帮助远距离飞翔. 例如蜻蜓, 蝴蝶, 蜜蜂, 飞蛾等, 之所以能飞得很远, 就是依靠它们胸背之间连接翅膀的那部分肌肉....
In the world of insects, many insects have incredible abilities. For example, a small fleas can jump at a height that can exceed 200 times their size, crickets and locusts also have excellent jumping ability. It is even more surprising that ants can lift objects equivalent to 52 times their own body weight. Even the delicate butterflies can fly like migratory birds, continuously flying hundreds of meters or tens of thousands of kilometers, or even farther distance.... The secret of insects having such amazing power is that they have particularly developed muscle tissue. According to the research of scientists, the muscles of insects are not only special in structure, but also in large numbers. For example, humans have more than 600 muscles, and Lepidopteran insects have more than 2,000 muscles. Beside in helping high jumps and long jumps, the muscles of insects can also fly for long distances, example dragonflies, butterflies, bees, moths, etc, they can fly very far rely on the part of the muscle that connects the wings between their chest and back...


