• 4 years ago
捷克共和国, 简称捷克, 原名波西米亚, 是中欧的一个内陆国家. 它南与奥地利接壤, 西与德国接壤, 东北与波兰接壤, 东与斯洛伐克接壤. 捷克国土边境围绕着连绵的山脉, 有如珍珠项链般的山脉, 这些山脉绝大部分是完整的原始森林, 沉默幽深的森林享受无数捷克人的宠爱. 国土中央被称为捷克盆地, 盆地内巨大的湖泊与涓涓的河流彼此相 连, 又散布有若干起伏的丘陵, 有人说河流有如金丝流窜, 大湖就像一枚枚银币, 整国土地郁郁葱葱. 东边的摩拉维亚及西里西亚地区坐拥无数金色的田野. 纵贯历史, 从古至今, 祖先为这片土地留下了丰富珍贵且撼动人心的名胜古迹---带有地区城镇风格的建筑, 华贵雄踞一方的城堡及宫堡, 外型古朴的修道院, 历史上黄金时期的大教堂及犹太大教堂, 建筑大师的城市设计.....捷克共和国东部是风光如画的摩拉维亚地区, 区内每个地方都各有特色, 哈纳区平塬的尽头是高山和葡萄园, 再去就是摩拉维亚西里西亚边界, 科班尼采的悬崖峭壁, 区内各地有一个共同点---就是居民, 他们非常勤奋, 热爱唱歌.....
Czechia (Bohemia):--
The Czech Republic, also known by its short name, Czechia, formerly known as Bohemia, is a landlocked country in Central Europe. It is bordered by Austria to the south, Germany to the west, Poland to the northeast, and Slovakia to the east. The border of the Czech Republic is surrounded by a series of mountains, which are like pearl necklaces. Most of these mountains are complete virgin forests. The silent and deep forests enjoy the favor of countless Czechs. The center of the country is called the Czech Basin, the huge basin, the lake and the trickling river are connected to each other, and there are several undulating hills distributed around. Some people say that the river is like a gold thread, and the big lake is like a silver coin. Throughout history, from ancient times to the present, our ancestors have left this land with rich, precious and exciting places of interest---buildings with regional town styles, luxurious castles and palaces, outside The quaint monastery, the golden age cathedral and synagogue in history, the urban design by master architect....The eastern part of the Czech Republic is the picturesque of Moravia region, every place in the region has its own characteristics. At the end of the plateau of Hana are mountains and vineyards, and then there is the Moravia-Silesian border, Kobanice The precipices in the area have one thing in common---the residents, they are very hardworking and love to sing.....


