• 4 years ago
'The Guardian' reports that a group of Conservative MPs have urged the British government to recognize the sentience of some highly-intelligent invertebrates.
The animal sentience bill acknowledges that fish and other vertebrates feel pain and should be protected from suffering.
The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) argues that some invertebrates, like the octopus, need to be included in the bill. A report by the CAWF found that the
UK fishing fleet lands over 420 million crustaceans and cephalopods every year.
"All but a very small minority of scientists agree these are sentient animals capable of pain and suffering." Lorraine Platt, founder of CAWF, via 'The Guardian'
"It’s very important they are kept in the animal sentience bill." Lorraine Platt, founder of CAWF, via 'The Guardian'
The bill would require government policy to take into account that animals experience feelings, including pain and joy.
The bill is currently at second reading stage in the House of Lords.
It will be decided by a committee consisting of animal experts within the field.


