Khaira Arby : clip "Aigna"

  • il y a 15 ans
This is the best music I know of in the Sahel. Khaira Arby is enormously popular in Timbuktu, where you will hear this tape playing out of a ghetto blaster in a shop or the cassette deck of a car. This is not "world music," this is just plain old awesome music that straddles the linguistic and cultural divide of a place like Timbuktu. Arby sings in Tamashek and Sonrai languages, among others, appealing to two of the main groups living in Timbuktu, the Tuareg and Songhai. >>> ______________________________________________ Sorry to be out of the game for a while... perhaps this tape makes up for the wait? Seriously, this is one of my top three favorites. Period. Khaira Arby is clearly regarded as a treasure of Timbuktu, for her appearance on stage brings warm applause from an audience that usually restricts any displays of admiration to dancing. Arby's performances are as much about performance as they are about the music; she wears a dress that is made of brown, patterned leather and her silver head dress catches the light and throws it back across the crowd. >>> ______________________________________________ La voix des dunes de sable du Tombouctou. Khaïra Arby, la voix des dunes de sable de Tombouctou, au pays des Songhaï au nord du Mali, est une des rares musiciennes féminines. Elle a gagné ses galons à côté des vedettes comme Ali Farka Touré et Fissa Maïga. Pendant ses voyages frequents elle s'est construit une grande réputation au Mali avec sa musique du répertoire songhai. Khaïra & son groupe sont de vraies icônes de cette merveilleuse musique du Sahel, enracinée dans la tradition ancienne mais inspirée de l'actualité de la vie quotidienne. >>>

camera direction and editing : Boris Persikoff
© popcorn - Paris
color correction : Joe Chiao and Marc Demer
by Eight Fx - L.A.


