• 4 years ago


01:22I will not try to defend.
01:30What are you mumbling, Willie?
01:34I think you mean nothing of importance, don't you, Willie?
01:37Yes, um...
01:39Well, please try to be as busy as a bee without the buzzing.
01:42Quiet, children.
01:49Quietly. Take your places quietly.
01:54Where are you off to?
01:56All right, children. Forward march.
02:06Bye, Miss Fanny.
02:07Bye, Miss Fanny.
02:15That will do, Willie.
02:19I don't want to keep you in on a lovely day like this.
02:22But I have no alternative when you're unruly.
02:26What made you write in this book?
02:28Teachers and old maid, and I hate school.
02:30Because I do hate school.
02:32But discipline is good for all of us, Willie.
02:34And in our two years, you'll be grateful for an education.
02:39Why, Willie, what makes you say that?
02:41Because I hate being grateful.
02:43Oh, I know it's the spring, and I feel it too.
02:46But everybody has duties and responsibilities, Willie.
02:50Few of us are able to live as we'd like to live.
02:53So you may as well learn to make the best of things if you can't escape them.
02:57Yes, ma'am.
02:58Can I go now?
02:59Yes, Willie. You may go now.
03:06Oh, naughty again, eh?
03:08Yes, ma'am.
03:10Well, I've always liked the naughty ones best.
03:15Why, Margaret, what a thing to say to him.
03:18Well, I do.
03:20The good ones never seem to have the necessary imagination or initiative.
03:24I know, but I never imagined you felt that way too.
03:31Margaret, tell me, do you ever feel tempted to kick over the traces?
03:35Every spring.
03:37I never do, though.
03:39Too old and too ugly.
03:41Now, if I were your age and looked like you and knew what I know now...
03:46You'll demoralize me completely.
03:48I've been longing to smash everything and run amok all day.
03:53When I was 28, a man smiled at me once in a movie.
03:57He looked like a mighty nice man, too.
03:59Really? And what happened?
04:01Nothing. That's just it.
04:04You mean you didn't smile back?
04:06Of course not. I was much too well brought up.
04:10But ever since then, I've wished I had.
04:13I went back there for years, but I never had the chance again.
04:17Men don't smile at me much, either.
04:19Well, in your case, it's those eyeglasses you will wear
04:21and the books you carry and those flat-heeled shoes.
04:24Well, you know yourself, I couldn't hold on to the job a minute without them.
04:27If I were your age, I wouldn't want to hold on to it.
04:30But I've got to hold on to it, Margaret. Jobs are scarce and hard to get.
04:34Jobs where a girl is safe.
04:36Well, if I had my youth over again, I wouldn't be so anxious to be safe.
04:46Mrs. Laddon?
04:47Oh, for me?
04:48Yes, Mrs. Laddon, I picked them myself.
04:50Oh, thank you, Sally.
04:54Violets and spinach. Both grow out of the earth.
04:58I'm spinach, a useful vegetable and full of iron.
05:02But nobody cares much about spinach.
05:05I never had a chance to be a violet, much as I'd like to be.
05:09But you have.
05:11You're full of nonsense today.
05:13Dangerous, unsettling nonsense.
05:15What's got into you, Margaret?
05:17It's my birthday. I'm 40.
05:20You begin thinking a lot of things when you suddenly find yourself 40.
05:24But how can you suddenly find yourself 40?
05:26You can.
05:28Oh, I'm so sorry.
05:30I mean, congratulations.
05:32What for?
06:16Yes, Granny?
06:17It's Saturday afternoon. How about the mendee?
06:25Anne, what's happened to you?
06:27Nothing yet, Granny.
06:29But you get distressed.
06:30I bought it. Out of the money I saved up.
06:33And I've kept out just enough to go to the Savoy for tea.
06:36Have you lost your wits?
06:38No. But I've just realized I'm 25.
06:41I'm getting older every day. Do you realize that, Granny?
06:43I'm getting older every day.
06:45But we all are, aren't we?
06:47Yes, but we don't stop to think about it.
06:49Life goes on. And before we know it, our time is up.
06:52And maybe we haven't really lived at all.
06:55Silk. Real, sheer silk.
06:58Lovely things.
07:01One wearing would probably finish them.
07:03Not serviceable at all.
07:04But I don't care!
07:07Ever since Father died, and you came to live with me,
07:10I've done exactly as you said to do about everything.
07:13I've worked hard. I've worn good, plain, serviceable clothes.
07:17I've borrowed books from the library to read, and I've saved my pennies.
07:20I'm sure that was the wise way to live.
07:23But I'm tired of being wise.
07:26That sort of life is all anyone wants or expects when she's old.
07:29But I'm young, and it's the privilege of being young to be foolish.
07:33I'm pretty.
07:35Do you realize that?
07:37I'm going to have one day of freedom from rules and regulations,
07:41from worry and responsibility.
07:42Yes, and from duty.
07:44For this one day, I'm going to do exactly as I please,
07:47and darn the consequences!
07:51You understand, Delilah, don't you?
07:53You've been caged up, too.
07:55Well, what the heck? You have a fling.
08:00Oh! The window's open, Anne!
08:02I know it!
08:03She's gone! She'll never come back!
08:06The cats will get her.
08:07Oh, the birds will fight with her! She'll starve!
08:11But it'll be worth it to her to be free again.
08:23Watch the hack. I'll be back in a minute.
08:42All alone?
08:44Not lucky, are you?
08:46Has your mother told you it isn't safe for a pretty girl like you?
08:49It won't be safe for you if my brother finds you here.
08:52Oh, I can take care of myself.
08:54Don't worry about me.
08:57I won't.
09:00Waiting for your brother, eh?
09:01Is that the best you can do?
09:04You'll see in a minute.
09:06He's six feet two, and he has a very quick temper.
09:09Oh, that's too bad.
09:12I'd hate to hurt him on your account.
09:17Say, you're kind of a cute trick, you know.
09:28I'll call the police officer if you don't go away and leave me alone.
09:31Go ahead. Call one.
09:35Nothing, eh? Laying hard to get.
09:37That's okay by me. You'll soon melt. They all do.
09:59I told you not to come here.
10:01Every cop in town knows you by sight.
10:03And as soon as they find that body, they're sure to start looking for you.
10:06They haven't found the body yet, have they? So what?
10:08Hey, some David stole our hat.
10:10What, with a stiff in it?
10:12What does he mean with a stiff in it?
10:13Well, we didn't have a chance to dump him, Chief.
10:15Do you mean to tell me you rubbed him out and left his body in the car?
10:18That was a hot car. We stole it for the job.
10:20And it's parked right in front of this door.
10:22Well, we were going to throw the guy in the river the minute we plugged him,
10:25but we saw a couple of suspicious guys looking, so we just drove on.
10:29Yeah, and then we find another spot and some kids breeze by.
10:32Yeah, we decided we'd wait until the night.
10:34I see. So you bring him here.
10:36Hey, you don't have to worry. He's all covered up in the back.
10:39Covered up with what?
10:41With an overcoat, ain't he?
10:43What overcoat?
10:47Your overcoat.
10:48My overcoat?
10:49Now, wait a minute. Now, wait a minute, Chief.
10:51I forgot. As I was going out the door, I grabbed your overcoat by mistake,
10:55and, well, I didn't think until afterwards.
10:58So, you covered him up with my overcoat, with my name on the label, and it's still over.
11:03Is that the setup?
11:05I guess it is, Chief.
11:07Red, I don't know how long you want to live,
11:10but I know how long you're going to live if you don't get that coat.
11:13Just ten hours.
11:14Yeah, but look, Chief.
11:15Grab Hanson's hack and follow that dame.
11:17No rough stuff. Just watch your chance and get that coat.
11:20But how do I know where she's went?
11:22You'd better find out, Red.
11:27And, Red, don't come back without the coat.
11:34It's calling all cars. It's calling all cars.
11:37It's calling the highway patrol.
11:39Watch for stolen car.
11:40It's a Stevens knife. M8-12124.
11:43M for Mary, 8-12124.
11:46Looks like a gang job, boys.
11:48Be careful. They're dangerous.
11:51Smokey Joe disappeared.
11:53The big shot car snatcher.
11:56I don't need no formal introduction to Smokey.
11:58As a matter of fact, I was just sitting there thinking about him.
12:01I figure he snatched that big limousine that was reported stolen this afternoon.
12:05I didn't hear anything about a limousine being snatched.
12:08What time was it missed?
12:10I don't know, Chief.
12:11I don't know.
12:12I don't know.
12:13I don't know.
12:14I don't know.
12:15I don't know.
12:16I don't know.
12:17I don't know.
12:18I don't know.
12:19What time was it missed?
12:20Am I aiming to get information from you,
12:22or are you aiming to get information from me?
12:24Which is working for who?
12:27Which side are you on?
12:29Are you a stool pigeon or not?
12:31If you ain't willing to live up to our gentleman's agreement of jewelry with me,
12:35I can serve my information someplace else.
12:38What information?
12:39You hold out on me, and I'll lock you up for obstructing an officer.
12:43The car was missed about 2 o'clock.
12:46Smokey didn't leave Sniggy's till 2.30.
12:49So I'm there myself.
12:51Just walked out casual-like, and they ain't been seen since.
12:55Well, then I guess Slick Capescu's gang got him after all, then.
13:00That's what his dame thinks.
13:02She's going crazy.
13:04Says Smokey was on his way to meet her,
13:06and nothing would have kept him from keeping the date unless he was rubbed out.
13:17Did you hail me?
13:18Why, yes, I did.
13:21Did you want something?
13:22Yes, I must have.
13:23I mean, I did, of course.
13:24Otherwise, why would I have stopped you?
13:27My car, you see, it, uh...
13:29What's wrong with it?
13:30Oh, heaven only knows.
13:31The ignition or the carburetor or maybe the battery.
13:34I don't know.
13:35I don't know.
13:36I don't know.
13:37I don't know.
13:38I don't know.
13:39I don't know.
13:40I don't know.
13:41I don't know.
13:42I don't know.
13:43I don't know.
13:44I don't know.
13:45Did he have a damage or...?
13:46Maybe the battery's run down.
13:47There might be water in the gasoline.
13:49Do you know anything about cars?
13:52Not a thing.
13:54I suppose you've got a chauffeur to look after this.
13:57Oh, of course.
13:59And he's such a good mechanic, too.
14:01But, uh, unfortunately, this is his day off.
14:04That's too bad.
14:05Yes, isn't it?
14:07Well, I can't get the darn thing to go.
14:09Would you mind giving me a lift to the nearest garage?
14:11Oh, no, I couldn't.
14:12I mean, I didn't.
14:13this car is courtesy of the road you know it's done every day it's quite proper it doesn't mean
14:17a thing oh well i i suppose i may as well thank you
14:34marvelous luck you're coming along just then had you been waiting long years and years
14:50you often go out alone like this on the chopper's day off uh no in fact i've never done it before
14:56it's a pretty big car for you to handle isn't it oh i find i can manage well enough
15:00although of course i've only driven small cars before you see uh this isn't really mine
15:06with your brother yes i'm alone in the world are you no my really but i thought you just
15:15said that oh not my real brother uh someone who helped me once in a very critical situation
15:20helped me unwittingly too that was a wonderful part of it isn't this a garage we're coming to
15:26aren't you leaving me here no that is i mean yes but that is it is a garage but you just can't go
15:31off and abandon me i simply won't let you go no no that is not until i find out whether or not
15:36they can help oh very well you make inquiries and i'll wait promise promise
15:56oh i'll say i left my car down the road a ways a roadster licensed pa 65 will you pick it up
16:00for me sure what's wrong with it nothing i just want you to hold it here for me till i come for it
16:07okay pal okay here are the keys
16:14can they take care of it for you yes but it's going to take them a long time and it'll be
16:18awfully dull waiting around here yes i suppose it would i know we could have tea
16:25that's right we could couldn't we of course i know i shouldn't courtesy of the road you know
16:32you really think that covers it i'm sure of it very well then
16:47where should we go well let me think
17:08you look as if you had a really serious question to answer what oh oh t well how about the chester
17:15country club it's not far off surely that's only for members well i thought you'd probably be a
17:20member you anyway when they know who you are they won't make any difficulties who am i i don't know
17:26but you must be someone important what makes you think that well this car and the way you look
17:34your manner and everything can't always trust appearances no i guess you're right but then
17:40just the same i'll bet we get in without any trouble oh i hope so would be fun to have tea
17:45there maybe slicks gang picked up the car to give a smoky a ride i'd like to get on the trail of
17:51that car might give me a lead to slick's gang and i could round them up but it'd be in promotion
17:58maybe to the metropolitan force
18:03it's a missing car i saw the license cover and it went right by the police station who was in it i
18:08couldn't see it went by too fast but i'll get it hey the speed limit is 20 miles an hour in that
18:14town was i doing more than that well not more than three times and we just passed a police station
18:19did anyone notice this i think so i see a cop climbing on his motorcycle and heading this way
18:24oh dear we'll have to lose him i should think so yes you don't understand there are reasons why it
18:31would be awkward if we were stopped maybe i can guess one of them you couldn't possibly
18:35i look so innocent you you'd never believe i could do anything so terrible
18:42you can't seem to make it go any faster what does the speedometer say
18:46i don't want to take my eyes off the road well don't we're doing 80.
18:53i wish a truck would come along what to delay him i mean
18:57look here there's a right turn just ahead now it's a bad road and we
18:59might just manage it he couldn't possibly where here
19:06is he following us yes
19:20no not now
19:26what's that popping a pop gun you mean he's firing at us he's certainly firing in this
19:31general direction oh dear that's not just for speeding he must know what i've done
19:38i suppose you know whatever you've done you've made me an accessory after the fact have i
19:43oh dear i didn't mean to you can get out and leave me if you like
19:48no one's seen you with me now to identify you i mean except the fellow at the garage
19:53oh that's right i'm so sorry well never mind you get out and i'll go back and do something
20:00about him no no no that's all right i can take care of myself as a matter of fact i'm in the
20:05game too what game wait till we get somewhere where we can talk which way right but we're
20:12doubling on our track i know maybe we can lose him that way what's the matter oh red how are you
20:28what are you up to snuffy trying to keep that car in sight follow it will you follow it what
20:32will i follow it for because the car's been snatched that's what for no yeah i recognize
20:37the license number i see and i suppose the cops told you to be on the lookout for it hey i heard
20:42you turn stool is that right that's a dirty lie i've been a crook all my life somebody's trying
20:46to ruin my reputation yeah now i'm wise i tell you i happen to notice the name on the driving
20:50license on the shaft there and i happen to know the police are looking for this car oh dear i
20:55hoped you wouldn't then you do know well not everything who you working for well the government
21:02in a way the government yes i know it's hard to believe not hard impossible what am i supposed
21:08to think you are a g woman of course not i suppose you rubbed out that guy back there
21:12as a favor to the president i don't think i quite follow you you don't lady you lead them all
21:18perhaps it's indelicate of me to mention it but i'm burning with curiosity to know who that stiff
21:22is behind us he's someone following us no not following us we're transporting him in comfort
21:27the stiff the body the dead man is that really a body well i haven't examined it in detail but
21:45there is certainly the hand of a dead man back there
21:54hey wait a minute wait a minute but how did he get there well that's what i expected you to tell
21:59me somebody must have put him there how true i mean before i took the car i mean i i didn't know
22:05he was there well i wondered why you were driving him all over chester county good heavens this is
22:09awful has he been murdered well that'd be my guess when people die naturally you seldom find
22:13them wrapped up in the back of a car we must get away leave it here it wouldn't be wise to do that
22:19no i suppose not to be awkward for us wouldn't it if somebody noticed it while we were having our tea
22:25what are we going to do thanks for that weed i think the best thing to do would be to park it
22:29in the garage in the darkest corner i can find now you go ahead and order and i'll follow you
22:33will you of course not we'll see this thing through together lovely i knew you'd stand by me
22:43broke sure got swill hangouts these days yeah you stay here i'll look around
22:50hey buddy any place a guy can use a phone around here
22:52around at the garage just follow this path
22:59hey buddy where's the telephone
23:03it'll be all right here wanted i'm stopping just long enough to have tea
23:06yes i guess it'll be all right but i'm locking it up because well i've got something pretty
23:10important to do it's going to be a long way to go you're going to have to wait for me
23:15It'll be all right here, won't it? I'm stopping just long enough to have tea.
23:19Yes, I guess it'll be all right, but...
23:21I'm locking it up because, well, I've got something pretty important in it.
23:25Yes, sir, it'll be all right.
23:27Is there a telephone here?
23:28Right up in front.
23:30Hello? Give me the police station, please.
23:46Oh, naturally, the nearest one.
23:48At your service.
23:51I've been trying that thing ever since she snatched the bus.
23:54No, I ain't had a chance to get it.
23:57Because she picked up some guy and ain't left it alone, not until now.
24:02Now it's here in the garage, at the Chester Country Club.
24:06No, no, not a chance.
24:07There's lugs all over the place.
24:09They're watching the cars.
24:11Yeah, it's still here.
24:13Look, Slick, I could shoot this place up and probably get away with it,
24:17but you said no rough stuff.
24:20Okay, okay, just as you say, Slick.
24:22Yeah, I'll wait until Hanson shows up.
24:26Your pal is around at the garage using the phone.
24:28I want to use it too.
24:29Ain't you got one here?
24:30Yes, but I ain't supposed to allow anybody to use it.
24:32This once won't matter.
24:34It's important.
24:35I'm connected with the police and I want a report.
24:38Very well.
24:44Give me the police station in Ferndale.
24:57That you, Kelly?
25:00Hey, I picked up those parties you lost and trailed them to the Chester Country Club.
25:05I'll be right over.
25:08I hope there's not going to be any trouble.
25:10Not for you or me, son.
25:12We mind our own business and keep our mouths shut.
25:14Tea with two, hot toasted muffins, honey and raspberry jam.
25:19Is that right, miss?
25:20It looks heavenly.
25:21Will you sign for it, miss?
25:24You can pay if you'd rather.
25:26It's just the same, miss.
25:27I'd much rather.
25:29It makes my father furious to get slips for afternoon tea.
25:33He thinks it spoils my dinner.
25:35I dare say it does, miss.
25:37How much?
25:39Oh, well.
25:40Oh, thank you, miss.
25:41Oh, thank you very much, miss.
25:49Did I see you pain?
25:52I didn't know what name to sign to the slip that wouldn't have got us thrown out.
25:57Anyway, it wasn't very much.
25:59It's worth it just to be here.
26:01You're a strange sort of crook.
26:03Well, I haven't been a crook very long, you see.
26:05How long?
26:06Well, just since today.
26:08Oh, I suppose I am a crook.
26:10Even if I never intended to keep the car.
26:12But I'm afraid there's no way to prove that to the satisfaction of the court.
26:16No, I suppose there isn't.
26:18And then there's that passenger in the rear to explain.
26:20Unfortunately, he can't speak for himself.
26:22But I told you.
26:23He must have been there when I took the car.
26:25I just never looked back.
26:27Nor forward either, apparently.
26:29I wish you'd let me explain just how it all happened, will you?
26:32I certainly will.
26:33Considering the mess we're in, I think I ought to know.
26:41That car still here?
26:42In there.
26:43But you ain't supposed to know me, see?
26:45Red Egan's in there too.
26:46He's one of Slick Capescu's gang and they're dynamite.
26:49What's he up to?
26:50I ain't found out yet, but I'll keep trying.
26:52Okay, take care of yourself.
26:54I will.
26:58So you see, I practically had to take the car.
27:00I see. Well, no wonder you had me guessing.
27:04What did you mean when you said you were in the game yourself?
27:07Are you a crook too?
27:09Well, yes, but I wouldn't have told you, only I thought that maybe...
27:11Oh, of course.
27:13Well, I'm awfully glad you did.
27:15I can't tell you how it's relieved my mind.
27:17Relieved your mind?
27:18Well, yes.
27:19I mean, anyone else, no matter how nice or how willing to help,
27:22mightn't have been able to get me out of this mess.
27:25But being a crook yourself...
27:27Well, of course.
27:28I, uh...
27:29I suppose this is just the daily grind to you.
27:32One of my duller days.
27:35I suppose you think nothing of getting rid of stolen cars and bodies?
27:40Nothing at all, nothing at all.
27:46I'm looking for a stolen car.
27:47What kind of a car?
27:48A big limousine.
27:50It looks like it over there.
27:54See you later.
27:56Locked, eh?
27:57Yeah, he said he had something important in it.
27:59Swag, maybe.
28:01He was alone, you say?
28:02That's right.
28:03What kind of a looking fellow was he?
28:04Just ordinary, I guess.
28:05You can't describe him, huh?
28:07No, no, I didn't pay much attention to him.
28:09Well, I'll wait here and see for myself.
28:16Where are we going now?
28:17To pick up the car.
28:18We'll have to keep driving around until it gets dark.
28:20I'll see you later.
28:22Where are we going now?
28:23To pick up the car.
28:24We'll have to keep driving around until it gets dark enough to get rid of that...
28:26Oh, I know.
28:27Don't say it.
28:28I don't want to think about it.
28:29I'll just have to try and forget that he...
28:38Did you notice that fellow?
28:40Ever seen him before?
28:42Well, he's been following you.
28:43And I rather think he could tell us a thing or two about our silent passenger.
28:46He didn't seem to notice us when he passed us just now.
28:49He just didn't want us to spot him, that's all.
28:50Oh, dear.
28:53Oh, somebody's noticed something.
28:54Oh, I locked the car.
28:55Oh, of course.
28:59What in it?
29:00There's a cop sitting on the running board.
29:03What do we do?
29:04Has he seen us?
29:06Not yet.
29:07Now, just follow my lead.
29:09Head up.
29:12Afternoon, officer.
29:13Anything wrong about that car?
29:15And what would be wrong with it?
29:17Oh, I just want to know.
29:19And what would be wrong with it?
29:21Oh, I just wondered.
29:22We happened to notice the fellow that was driving it,
29:24and we thought there was something distinctly fishy about him.
29:26Oh, quite definitely.
29:28You saw him, then?
29:29Well, yes.
29:30He was just ahead of us as we drove in.
29:31You don't know where he is now, I suppose, sir?
29:33Well, as a matter of fact, I do.
29:35I can point him out to you if you like.
29:37I'd like that very much.
29:38Will you find our car, will you, Ann, and get it started?
29:40I'll meet you at the door.
29:41Come along, officer.
29:43He's a tough-looking customer.
29:44It's a lucky thing you're armed.
29:45I wouldn't want any part of him myself.
29:47Don't worry about me, sir.
29:48I'll bet not.
29:49With that kind, I shoot first and ask questions afterwards.
29:51Yeah, that might be the best for all concerned.
29:54Oh, there he is.
29:58You sure that's the man?
29:59Well, just look at him.
30:00What's he doing in a place like this?
30:02Would you say he had any legitimate business here?
30:04I'll soon find out.
30:08Hey, you!
30:09I want you!
30:11All right, go.
30:15Put him up!
30:23Hey, you! I want you!
30:26All right, go.
30:31Put him up! Reach!
30:37Bluffing, huh?
30:44And don't try any tricks, if you don't want a doctor working on what I leave intact.
30:49You'll hear about this when I see my mouthpiece. I'm an innocent man.
30:52Innocent of what?
30:53Innocent of what I done. Or I mean, I'm innocent.
30:57You're wanted for stealing Mr. Cameron's limousine.
31:00Who, me?
31:01If you didn't steal it, what are you doing with it?
31:03What am I doing with it?
31:04Why, have I got it? You left it back there in the garage.
31:08Ah, you're crazy. I left my car out at the gate.
31:11At the gate, huh?
31:13What do you call yourself?
31:15Red Egan.
31:16Well, Red Egan, come along.
31:18I'll soon find out about that. You get along to the gates.
31:21And don't try any tricks, because I'm going to be right behind you.
31:25We made it.
31:27I know I shouldn't be enjoying this, but I am.
31:29It's all right when you get a lucky break like that.
31:31You wouldn't be feeling so happy if we'd been caught.
31:33I know.
31:34So let's not rejoice too soon. We're not out of this yet.
31:37Is that your car?
31:38You won't believe me. That's the old guy that's sitting in it.
31:41Say, you, do you know this man?
31:43Sure I know him. He's a pal of mine.
31:45What's he done?
31:46I'm told he stole a limousine.
31:48Big black one? License M-8-12124?
31:52Yeah, what about it?
31:53Went shooting out that way about five minutes ago.
31:55What? Which way?
31:58Hey, come back here, you big lug, and take these things off.
32:02What do you think I am?
32:04That young fella and that girl told me that...
32:07Hey, they were the ones in the car.
32:10If I get my hands on them, I'll get them.
32:13He couldn't get his hands on an elephant.
32:19Listen, you wait here for Hanson.
32:22Tell him I'll phone him when I find out where I can connect with him.
32:30It's like a terrible yet exciting kind of tag.
32:33Played for pretty high stakes.
32:36I think for the time being, you better keep your mind on your driving.
32:40I think for the time being, you better keep your mind on your driving.
32:43Oh, that officer couldn't possibly overtake us now.
32:45We had too big a start.
32:57Get going, our friend. The officer struck our trail.
32:59Oh, dear, what a nuisance he is.
33:10He's gaining.
33:14I can't go any faster.
33:15Well, zigzag, he's going to start to shoot.
33:30Come on, Griffith, come on, Griffith.
33:42Follow that limousine.
33:51Keep going, I think we've ducked him again.
34:01Why is it making that funny noise?
34:03Sounds to me as if we're running out of gas.
34:10Luck's still with us. There's a gas station down the hill.
34:14We can make that easily.
34:24I'll give it a shove and we can coast down.
34:26Need any help?
34:27No, you just steer.
34:34Are the brakes off?
34:37Well, put them on.
34:41Oh, put them on again.
34:48You'll have to come out and push too. We can manage, I think.
35:00No wonder the gas ran out.
35:01That awful cop put a bullet in our tank.
35:04Now we'll have to open the door.
35:05There used to get gas now. The tank won't hold it.
35:07I believe it would if we could get a cork to bit that hole.
35:09A cork?
35:10Well, come on, we're wasting time.
35:12And don't push from there. If it goes back, it'll go over you.
35:14Oh, I never thought of that.
35:18Now push!
35:20There we go.
35:23All right, hop in.
35:36Howdy, miss. Hello, friend.
35:37What do you have?
35:38Gas, air, or water?
35:40All right.
35:43How many gallons you want?
35:44Oh, fill her up.
35:45Fill her up. Right up the top?
35:46Right up the top.
35:47Yes, sir.
35:48Oh, but we'll need a cork first.
35:52A cork?
35:53Yes, you see, we got a hole in the tank.
35:55We backed into a fence with fancy spikes on it.
35:57We'll need a cork first.
35:58A cork?
35:59Yes, you see, we got a hole in the tank.
36:01We backed into a fence with fancy spikes on it.
36:03Backed into a fence with fancy spikes on it.
36:05Oh, reckless driving.
36:07Aye, George, you young fellows are always in a hurry.
36:11Well, sir, by jingo.
36:13Looks exactly like a bullet hole to me.
36:16A bullet hole?
36:17What absolute nonsense.
36:19Why, what do you mean?
36:20What's the matter, lady? Can't state a joke?
36:23You don't look much like gangsters to me.
36:25No, sir.
36:26You look more like honeymooners.
36:29I don't expect to find machine guns or dead bodies in your corner, do I?
36:33Oh, no.
36:34Certainly not.
36:35So you want a cork, do you?
36:37If you don't mind.
36:38I'll get you one.
36:40Eight, one, two, one, two, four.
36:43Eight, one, two, one, two, four.
36:45Eight, one, two, one, two, four.
36:47Eight, one, two, one, two, four.
36:49Hello, hello, operator? Give me a policeman.
36:52Do you think he suspects anything?
36:54I don't know.
36:56I want a policeman.
36:59Hello, there. Say, what's the matter?
37:00Are all you policemen deep?
37:02Say, looky here.
37:03I think I got a hold of them gangsters in that car you warned us about.
37:06Yes, that car.
37:07Number, uh, number M-9-8-M-8-8-9-1-M.
37:10Gosh darn it.
37:11It's all shut.
37:13Well, hold on.
37:14I'll get another look at it.
37:16Now, now, look here, young fella.
37:17Don't you pull no gun on me.
37:19Now, tell me, what's the idea of trying to call the police?
37:21Well, well, I'll tell you why.
37:22We got a warning over the telephone.
37:23Watch out for a car at all gas stations.
37:25Number 9-8-M-8.
37:26Well, I don't remember the number, but I know it's your car.
37:28And I'm not going to protect you.
37:30Gosh darn it, why should I?
37:31Don't know you, never heard you, never seen you before in my life.
37:33I'm a law-abiding citizen, and I'm going to do my duty.
37:36That's right.
37:37But if you're not able to call the police, I can't blame you.
37:39Well, who's not able?
37:40Why, God damn you!
37:41Now, relax.
37:42Oh, gosh darn my...
37:44Hey, don't hog-tie me, young fella.
37:47You'll have the law on you for this.
37:49Hey, don't hog-tie me, young fella.
37:50You'll have the law on you for this.
37:54Hey, officers!
37:56Gosh darn it, I'm going to get a hold of the governor of the state of Pennsylvania.
38:00You're certainly going to pay for this.
38:14I head staff for gasoline, madam.
38:15Rank negligence, that's what it is.
38:17You should have seen to it before we started.
38:19You know I don't like sitting in this smelly gas station while you fill the tank.
38:23I'm sorry, madam.
38:24I'll be as quick as I can.
38:25You'd better be.
38:26Sorry, but I'll see you released soon.
38:28You can console yourself with the reflection that you were martyred a duty.
38:31You're going to pay for this, young fella.
38:33Madam, shut up!
38:34Gosh darn it!
38:37Anyone about?
38:41Hello, looking for something?
38:42You don't run this place, do you?
38:43Who, me?
38:44No, no.
38:45I promise to keep an eye on it until he gets back.
38:47So where'd he go?
38:48Well, he went down that way, he said, to look at a car that's in trouble.
38:50He's only been gone a couple of minutes.
38:51You can probably catch him if you hurry.
38:53Well, maybe I'd better do that.
38:54My madam doesn't like waiting.
38:57He went this way, you say?
38:58That way.
38:59You'll see him somewhere around the next turn.
39:00Thank you very much.
39:08I beg your pardon, but your chauffeur has gone to look for the man that runs this place,
39:11and I thought maybe while you're waiting you might like a cup of tea.
39:16Idea's good.
39:17The tea, probably terrible.
39:20Well, it's something to do.
39:24There we are.
39:29Oh, I'll see if the lady that's with me won't join us.
39:32She's probably bored with waiting, too.
39:33Pardon me just a moment.
39:34Yes, you.
39:35Come and have tea with this lady.
39:37There's nobody to wait on you, so you'll have to find it yourself.
39:39That'll be charming.
39:40And keep her interested, understand?
39:42I think so.
39:43But where's the little man?
39:45I'll explain later.
39:52What fun.
39:53I love things to happen unexpectedly like this, don't you?
39:56When they're pleasant.
39:57Well, the tea may not be perfect, but at least we can make it ourselves.
40:01That's a comfort.
40:02And I'm pretty good at making tea.
40:04Well, that's something.
40:14Wouldn't it be fun to own this place
40:16and meet all the strange people who stop here day after day?
40:19Most of them would be very ordinary and blasted dull.
40:22I suppose so.
40:24But some would be interesting.
40:26One could speculate on where they were going
40:28and what their relationships were to one another.
40:31I always do that in buses and trains.
40:33Don't you?
40:36But I thought it was my own private game.
40:38I didn't know anybody else did it.
40:40I should think so.
40:41I didn't know anybody else did it.
40:43I should think all lonely people do it.
40:45I mean people whose lives aren't very full
40:47and who haven't very interesting affairs of their own to think of.
40:50Isn't your life very full?
40:52It should be.
40:53Mine was when I was young and pretty like you.
40:59Maybe you don't think I was young and pretty.
41:02You ought to have seen me before the war.
41:04And please don't say what war.
41:07I wouldn't be so rude.
41:08No, I suppose not.
41:12Didn't you find him?
41:14No, I walked all over the place.
41:15I couldn't find any sign of a car trouble.
41:17Well, that's funny.
41:18Well, anyway, I took the liberty of filling both cards while you were gone.
41:20Oh, did you?
41:21Yes, your mistress.
41:22She's anxious to get going.
41:23She had some tea, but she's restless.
41:25How much did you put in her?
41:26A car, I mean.
41:2720 gallons.
41:28You can leave the money on the counter inside.
41:34Already, madam?
41:35So soon?
41:36You've been quick, Mason.
41:38You'll tell if I didn't come and see me.
41:40I will.
41:41And bring this young man with you.
41:43He's a reckless look that intrigues me.
41:45I always had a weakness for dangerous men.
41:48Thanks, if that's a compliment.
41:49Of course it's a compliment.
41:51I wouldn't have come in here at all,
41:53if I hadn't thought you were going to give me knockout drops and rob me.
41:56But I'm not sorry I came.
42:21Just a minute.
42:32Is that where the little man is?
42:34I hope so.
42:35Come on, no use tempting Providence by hanging around here.
42:40Let's go.
43:12That fool's dumb!
43:33What does this mean?
43:34What the devil do you think you're doing?
43:37What does this mean?
43:38What the devil do you think you're doing firing at me?
43:40You blasted fool!
43:41Do you want to give me a heart attack?
43:44Come back here, you blundering calf!
43:46Where are you?
43:49What are you doing in that car?
43:51Why shouldn't I? It's mine.
43:52According to information received by us,
43:55this car belongs to Mr. Lawrence Cameron.
43:58And it was stolen.
43:59What's that?
44:00Are you accusing me of stealing my own car?
44:03Are you, Mr. Cameron?
44:04Do I look like Mr. Cameron, you blithering idiot?
44:07I never saw Mr. Cameron.
44:09All I know is this.
44:11He reported the loss of his car.
44:13And the last time I saw it,
44:14there was a young fellow in the government.
44:17Where are they now?
44:18Perhaps you think I murdered them.
44:20Maybe you did.
44:22And maybe you switched cars with them to throw me off the scent.
44:26Has that young fellow and the girl at the gas station met him?
44:28They have a car quite like this.
44:30How clever of you to think of that, Mason.
44:32Their car was a Stephen's Night.
44:34The car that was stolen was a Stephen's Night.
44:37Then why did you stop me?
44:38This car isn't a Stephen's Night, is it?
44:41Oh, no, but...
44:42Don't dither.
44:43Haven't you got the license number of the stolen car?
44:46I have.
44:49Well, then, does that number look anything like mine?
44:51It's identical.
45:03That's why he sent me on that wild goose chase.
45:05He wanted to switch the license plate when I was gone.
45:07And that's why he gave me the key, madam.
45:09What was the license number on this car before they switched?
45:12You can't remember, can you, Mason?
45:15No, madam.
45:16Neither can I.
45:18Where do you claim the plates were switched on you, ma'am?
45:21On the turnpike five miles back.
45:23But if you think those young miscreants
45:25are still waiting for you there, you poor specimen,
45:28you do them less than justice.
45:31You will tell my man to drive on.
45:35Go ahead.
45:47The old image is Mrs. Jefferson Breckenbridge.
45:50Isn't she a cocker?
45:52She's related to half of who's who.
45:55She's worth millions.
45:57Our license number was T563976.
46:26One, two, three, four...
46:29Two, three, four...
46:45What did we come in here for?
46:47It's safer.
46:48Where are we? What place is this?
46:50A crib I've had my eye on for a long time.
46:53A crib?
46:54It ought to be easy to crack.
46:55The family's away and there's no watchman.
46:57Now we can use it for a hideaway for a couple of hours
46:59and clean out the place.
47:00Oh, there ought to be plenty of sway,
47:02unless there are poor fleshers living beyond their means.
47:04You mean you're planning to rob this house?
47:06Why not?
47:07Oh, I don't want to be a thief, not really.
47:10But you are already, you stole this car, didn't you?
47:12Yes, but that awful man frightened me into it.
47:14You're gonna have a swell time convincing the cops of that
47:16if they nab you with it.
47:17They won't, they mustn't.
47:20We must get it back to its rightful owner
47:21as soon as it's safe.
47:22With the corpse still in it?
47:24Oh, I don't know what to do about him, it.
47:28Well, we might leave it here for the family
47:29to find when they come back.
47:31That's an idea.
47:32And as soon as we're safe,
47:34send a mysterious message to the police.
47:37It's a pity you're losing interest in the life of crime.
47:39You certainly get ideas.
47:41Where are you going?
47:42To do a little belated investigating.
47:44Now you stay where you are for a minute.
47:53Looks like a tough, hungry gangster, I'd say, old man.
47:55One bullet wound and a peach of a shot.
47:58He didn't bleed much.
48:02I just thought maybe you'd like to know
48:03the car wasn't all messed up.
48:06There's nothing in his pockets,
48:08but he's got an overcoat over him
48:09that seems to be full of incriminating evidence.
48:12I think I'll take it in with us, examine it later.
48:18You're not really gonna break into the house?
48:20Why, of course, no use sitting here for several hours
48:22or trespassing anyway.
48:23May as well go a step further
48:24and do a bit of breaking and entering.
48:26Oh, don't, please don't.
48:28Now, don't be silly, you're cold.
48:30I can see you shivering.
48:31It's fright.
48:32I thought you were enjoying the thrill
48:34and danger and excitement of a life of crime.
48:36Not now, it's dark.
48:37Well, you trust me, I'll see you through.
48:39Well, I suppose I'll have to if you go on.
48:41Suppose I'll have to go too.
48:43I can't stay here alone with a corpse.
48:47Shh, don't make so much unnecessary noise.
48:49Now, follow me.
48:52I suppose I went here.
48:53There's no lights, besides, I checked up on that.
48:55I suppose you're a burglar now.
48:57I put them out of commission a week ago
48:58when I cased the joint.
48:59It was too near dawn to go over the place that night.
49:02Are you going in the front door?
49:03It's the simplest way and the quietest.
49:05Besides, the other doors might be barred from inside.
49:07And the windows, well, I hate to mess about breaking glass.
49:12Now, follow me.
49:16It's a jolly little place, isn't it?
49:17Oh, I wish I were home with Granny.
49:21I haven't heard of her before.
49:23I haven't thought of her for hours.
49:25Is she a young granny or an old granny?
49:27A cocktail granny or a fireside knitting granny?
49:29A fireside knitting granny.
49:31Terribly good.
49:32Well, well, if lucky for you, she can't see you now.
49:34She did.
49:35All the trustees at my school.
49:37Shh, I think we'd better slip into the back of the house.
49:39It's hidden from view by the trees
49:40and no one can see it there.
49:49Oh, dear, is that safe?
49:50Not quite safe.
49:51They can't be seen unless someone comes snooping around
49:52and no one's likely to do that.
49:54Oh, what a heavenly kitchen.
49:56Not bad.
49:57I'll be glad you like it.
49:58Oh, I'll have a fire going in a minute
49:59and we'll be beautifully snug.
50:02Are you sure the family's away?
50:04I'm certain, why?
50:05Well, nothing's been put away properly.
50:07The servants of the rich are very careless.
50:08They save themselves as much bother as they can.
50:11I hope they were careless enough to need coffee
50:12and things like that.
50:15They have.
50:16And biscuits and jam
50:18and all kinds of cans and bottle things.
50:20Maybe they've even left food in the icebox.
50:23Well, if we can't use any of those things,
50:24that would be stealing.
50:27I know.
50:28We can find out whose house this is
50:30and leave some money in an envelope
50:32to pay for everything.
50:39What is it?
50:41Butter, eggs, cream.
50:43Well, why not?
50:46Don't you see?
50:48I don't believe this family's gone away at all.
50:50But I tell you, I am certain.
50:51Well, when are they supposed to have gone?
50:52Days ago.
50:55But these things are fresh.
50:56They can't have been here for days.
50:58At that temperature?
50:59Of course.
51:05You know, I have a creepy feeling
51:08we're going to be unpleasantly surprised here at any moment.
51:10It's nerves, my lass.
51:11You better watch them.
51:12No really successful crook can afford to have them.
51:15Besides, who'd know we were here?
51:18Well, let's go.
51:26Hey, Hanson, come here.
51:29Isn't that the bus up there?
51:32Say, it looks like it to me, Red.
51:34Come on.
51:38Not hot water.
51:39Cold, if you want to make good coffee.
51:41But I've got the kettle boiling.
51:43What am I going to use all of this nice hot water for?
51:45That's an idea.
51:49Oh, they're around here someplace.
51:51Probably inside.
51:53They must have Slick's coat with them, too.
51:55Smoky Jews, exactly as we left them.
51:58But the coat's gone.
51:59Shall we go in and get it?
52:02They'll have him to bring it out to us.
52:04Certainly we're going in to get it. Come on.
52:09You're awfully superior manners for a cook.
52:11I know.
52:12You see, I'm quite unique in my line and practically at the head of my profession.
52:15People trust me instinctively, and that's a great advantage.
52:18Yes, I can see that.
52:20You must have had quite a good education.
52:22I served a term at Yale.
52:24You see, I'm the black sheep of a very distinguished family.
52:27I know that's hard to believe, but then I'm not the only crook in the social register.
52:31And some had big companies on Wall Street.
52:33Look out!
52:35I'll take care of the day.
52:50I'm burning!
52:51Get me a doctor!
52:52I'm burning!
53:07Ann, are you hurt?
53:09No, but I think they are.
53:11I think you're right. This one, anyway.
53:13He deserves all he got.
53:15If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't be here in all this mess.
53:17Well, I can't hold that against him.
53:19Say, he must be pretty badly burned. We ought to do something about him, I suppose.
53:22Of course. Melted butter.
53:34I think we just put this lump on him, it'll melt.
53:36I'll bet on it.
53:37Say, he'll be quite a tasty dish when you finish with him.
53:40How about a little parsley?
53:42It's a mercy you hit him when you did.
53:44Can't feel a thing.
53:46Say, what happened to the other one? I might as well put him out of his misery, too.
53:49Oh, uh, he had to leave in a hurry.
53:52Had something to attend to that, uh, wouldn't wait.
53:57I think I'll have a look around for him.
53:59And I'll just take this along in case.
54:02Well, my high-handed young bandit.
54:05We meet again.
54:07Fortunately for me, it seems.
54:09What are you doing with that one, miss?
54:11Buttering him.
54:13He got burned.
54:14These accidents will happen if people aren't careful.
54:17I see the one in the car out there got killed.
54:20Yes, but, uh, we didn't do that.
54:23He's in your car, you know.
54:25Did someone leave him there by mistake?
54:28I don't know how he got there.
54:30Uh, you see, it isn't our car.
54:32It's registered in the name of Cameron.
54:34Yes, but, and your name's Cameron, isn't it?
54:37I might as well own up.
54:39I'm Lawrence Cameron, and it is my car.
54:41Your car?
54:43Then you killed it.
54:45No, no, the car was stolen early today.
54:47That's why I hailed you when I recognized it.
54:49But the body was placed in it after it was stolen.
54:51But how did you know his name was Cameron?
54:53By guess, it might be.
54:55You see, you didn't look to me like ordinary thieves.
54:58So I traced the license number on the car
55:00and came along here to find out.
55:02But why here?
55:03Because he lives here.
55:05Then you're not a crook at all,
55:07and we didn't really break in here.
55:09No, I just seized the opportunity to prove to you
55:11there's nothing in a life of crime.
55:12I knew the servants were away, you see,
55:14and we had to wait and hide someplace
55:15till it was dark enough to hide that body.
55:17No, I'm not keen to have it found in my car.
55:19Of course not.
55:20The police are such busybodies
55:22and ask so many foolish questions.
55:24But if that car was stolen,
55:26where did you get it, my child?
55:28In the city.
55:29It was parked near the curb,
55:30and he frightened me,
55:32so I jumped into it and drove away.
55:34And he and his pal have evidently
55:36been on our tracks all day.
55:37Then my hunch was right.
55:39I knew you wouldn't change those license plates
55:41unless you were in serious trouble.
55:43And there's nothing I like so much
55:44as meddling in other people's affairs.
55:46Coffee, I smell?
55:49Let's have it.
55:50Then we'll bundle these ruffians in with the court.
55:53Drive the car back to where this child found it,
55:56and let the clever police discover it.
56:10No noise now.
56:11And no tricks.
56:12You're coming at us, see?
56:13Either perpendicular or horizontal.
56:15You wouldn't dare to shoot
56:16right here in the public street.
56:18Come on, start stepping.
56:19I guess we better.
56:20They couldn't very well miss at this range.
56:22Come on, get going.
56:28All right.
56:29Here you go.
56:35They got him, huh?
56:36Where are Rad and Hanson?
56:38We ain't seen them.
56:39He's budged over from the car
56:40and parked it out front.
56:41I was just going to make a break when I grabbed him.
56:44My coat still in the car?
56:45We didn't stop to look.
56:47It's there, all right.
56:48Oh, so you noticed me.
56:49Yes, and what was under it?
56:51So you noticed that too, huh?
56:53Sit down.
56:54I'd like to have a little talk with you.
56:55But suppose that we don't want to talk.
56:57We're awfully careful about casual acquaintances.
56:59Tough guy, huh?
57:01The kind that goes out laughing.
57:03I'll bet you're not.
57:04You're the kind they have to dope and put a hood on
57:06or they drag him screaming to the chair.
57:09Are you sure these two are trying to make a getaway
57:11when you grabbed them?
57:14Well, they're so cocky, you'd think
57:15they were expecting the Marines.
57:18So this is the hideout of the gang.
57:20What the?
57:21Whom in the name of?
57:22Well, if you like, you can't shock me.
57:24I know all the worst words in the dictionary.
57:26So if I resist the temptation, you use them.
57:28Who are you anyway?
57:29I'm Mrs. Jefferson Breckenbridge.
57:32Mother of Judge Breckenbridge
57:34and grandmother of the present district attorney.
57:37Holy Moses.
57:38How did you get in here anyway?
57:40Broke the glass on the front door.
57:41Put my hand through and opened it.
57:43I suppose technically you were cased against me.
57:46If you feel disposed to press it.
57:47Well, why did you want to get in here?
57:49Will you tell me that?
57:51I saw your two henchmen force my young friends
57:54to come in here.
57:55I was in the car behind, waiting to pick them up.
57:59Stupid of them not to make sure they were unobserved
58:02because I was free to send my chauffeur
58:04at once to the police.
58:06Figuring I could easily hold your attention
58:08till they got here.
58:10And here they are.
58:12No, you shouldn't, boys.
58:13The house is full of cops and there's a cop.
58:15The house is full of cops and there's a cop
58:16around the whole block.
58:19And that's you two to thank for this.
58:22I don't know which is the worst,
58:23the young one or the old one.
58:24Get them out, Sergeant.
58:26I saw you following me.
58:28I knew Masons have no difficulty in finding you.
58:31You're a holy terror, ma'am.
58:33Without due respect.
58:37Granny, Granny, I'm home, darling.
58:40Come and see the man I brought back with me.
58:43I'm going to marry him.
58:45So that's what you went after, is it?
58:47You and Delilah.
58:50Is she back too?
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