Co-WIN being prepared to be made open-source: PM Modi

  • 3 years ago
Prime Minister Narendra Modi attended ‘Co-WIN Global Conclave’ via video-conferencing on July 05.

During the conclave he emphasised the importance of technology in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. He announced that India’s Covid vaccination platform Co-WIN is being prepared to be made open source. “This pandemic has made many people realise fundamental truth of this philosophy. That's why, our technology platform for Covid vaccination - the platform we call Co-WIN- is being prepared to be made open source,” he said.

“I convey my sincere condolences for all lives lost to pandemic, in all countries. There is no parallel to such a pandemic in 100 years. Experience shows that no nation, however powerful that nation is, can solve a challenge like this in isolation,” PM added.

PM Modi further said, “Technology is an integral to our fight against Covid-19. Luckily, software is one area in which there are no resource constraints. That's why we made our Covid tracing and tracking App open source as soon as it was technically feasible. Vaccination is the best hope for humanity to emerge successfully from the pandemic. And right from the beginning, we in India decided to adopt a completely digital approach while planning our vaccination strategy.”

“Indian civilisation considers the whole world as one family. This pandemic has made many people realise fundamental truth of this philosophy. That's why, our technology platform for Covid vaccination - the platform we call Co-WIN- is being prepared to be made open source,” said PM Modi.