夜间奇观 (Nature At Night)

3 years ago
When night falls on this planet, the group of special beings have evolved the skills to live in the dark. A Camera Crew, Professional photographer and Explorers investigate the mysterious night life of animals:-- a jaguar active under the darkness of night, the shy American tapir likes to go out to forage in the cool night, a "mothidae" spider staring at its prey, the spider monkey watching something curiously, and the cat with bat-like ears. An opossum with long whiskers carefully searching for food in the dark. In a secluded corner, the demon-faced spider’s agility ready to kill its prey in an instant. Central and South America has some of the richest habitats on earth, among them There are tropical jungles in the north and magnificent snowy mountains in the south. Why do so many animals live at night and how do they live in darkness? The secret of nocturnal opossums that live on the canopy, the green sea turtle that lays eggs at night on the beach , A spider that hunts well at night, a large nocturnal animal tapir.....
当夜幕降临在这个星球, 一群特殊的生命, 已进化出在黑暗中生活的技能. 一支配备了专业摄影器材的摄制组探索动物们谜一般的夜间生活: 一只美洲豹正在夜幕的掩护下活动, 害羞的美洲貘喜欢在凉爽的夜晚外出觅食, 一只螲蟷科蜘蛛正虎视眈眈地注视着它的猎物, 一只蜘蛛猴正好奇地观望着什么, 还有长着蝙蝠般耳朵, 猫一样腮须的负鼠正在黑暗中小心翼翼地搜寻着食物, 在某个僻静的角落, 妖面蛛敏捷的身手, 足以在瞬间致猎物于死地. 中南美洲拥有一些地球上最富饶的栖息地, 其中既有北部的热带丛林又有南部的壮丽雪山, 为什么如此多的动物会在夜间活动, 它们如何在一片漆黑中生活? 在树冠上生存的夜行动物负鼠的秘密, 海滩夜间产卵的绿海龟, 夜间捕猎能手的蜘蛛, 大型夜形行动物貘.......
