01:40This is Cavalier 56 eastbound reporting.
01:47Everything working fine.
01:50Just passing over Shiloh Mountain.
01:57Altitude 6,000.
02:01Feeling about 3,000.
02:04Heavy clouds.
02:10Will it be all right if I talk to him?
02:12Sure, go ahead.
02:15Hello, Tim.
02:16This is Anderson speaking.
02:18Why don't you turn back before it's too late?
02:20This is one time they'll find they're not handling an unsuspecting kid.
02:25I'm not going to ride this out to the finish.
02:27You won't have a chance if anything happens.
02:29I'm hoping they do knock me down.
02:32If they do, I'll be right handy to pick up any trail they leave.
03:07On time to the minute.
03:56Calling Los Angeles Airport.
03:58Los Angeles Airport.
03:59Anything wrong, Tim?
04:01Motor just kicked out.
04:02Won't pick up.
04:03Where are you?
04:04About five miles from Rocky Point.
04:07I'm pretty close to the spot where Jimmy crashed.
04:10Chance you set it down?
04:11No, not a chance.
04:13An eagle might land in these rocks, but you couldn't land a ship.
04:21Caterpillar Club is going to get a new member.
04:24There's going to be another dead pilot.
04:38Well, make your bets, boys.
04:40Where's she going to crash?
04:42I'll bet you 50 bucks she's packed up within 10 feet of that big rock.
04:4550 bucks, you're wrong.
04:4725 sticks her nose in that gully.
04:49You're wrong.
04:51What do you say, Frank?
04:52Those poor aces cleaned me last night.
04:54I ain't got a dime.
05:11She's losing altitude fast.
05:14Tell Anderson to have the department stake out every fence in town.
05:17Keep a lookout for these bonds.
05:19There's nothing more I can do.
05:22Get a hold of the chief right away, Bill.
05:51Welcome, Jade.
06:05I guess you pay me.
06:06I'll pay you later.
06:35I'll pay you later.
07:04I'll pay you later.
07:34Hustle these into town.
07:36Okay, I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
08:02I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
08:32I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:03I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:09I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:11I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:13I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:15I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:17I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:19I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:21I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:23I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:25I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:27I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:29I'll call you as soon as they deliver them.
09:32Hello, hello.
09:33Is this Union Pacific?
09:35I want to make a reservation on the Transcontinental Flyer
09:38leaving tonight to Shiloh.
09:42What's that, Holden's Flagstaff is the nearest station?
09:45Well, that'll be all right.
09:47The name is Natalie Brent.
09:50Yes, yes, that's right.
10:00Hey, it's about time Charlie's showing up, ain't it?
10:12Trying to be funny?
10:13No, but he's been gone four days now.
10:17Would four days in town be enough for you after six months out here?
10:21Take that long to get filled up on ham and egg.
10:23Be quiet, will you, while I do this.
11:24E.L.B. calling W.A.D.
11:27E.L.B. calling W.A.D.
11:31Come on in, W.A.D.
11:34E.L.B. calling W.A.D.
11:37E.L.B. calling W.A.D.
11:40Come on in, W.A.D.
11:45Your time, Raymond.
11:46Half a lot, Flagging.
11:49I'll learn to do that if it's the last thing I ever do.
11:54Charlie's calling.
11:55He wouldn't tell me what's wrong. Seems like something's worrying him.
11:58All right, this is Kincaid.
12:24What's on your mind beside your hair?
12:26I cut the kid, and the bonds are gone.
12:28Gone? What do you mean, gone?
12:30I was tailed from the minute I hit town. I thought it was the feds, and I laid low for two days.
12:34All right, never mind that. What happened to the bonds?
12:36I tried to deliver them to Louie this morning, but a couple of Tim Toomey's men waylaid me.
12:40And tell Dawson he's figuring on chiseling in on us.
12:42That's what he thinks.
12:44Well, he's heading out there right now.
12:47What does he look like?
12:49He's about five feet, nine inches tall, and he's got a...
12:57Sounded like a six-gun.
12:59Charlie! Charlie!
13:01He's through talking. I wonder who done it.
13:03Well, he was trying to warn us about Tim Toomey, wasn't he?
13:11Well, I don't know what Toomey looks like,
13:14but it's going to be mighty unhealthy for any stranger that shows up around here.
13:19Is he dead?
13:21No. Most of them got him in the shoulder. He'll pull through.
13:24Take care of him. I'll call the ambulance.
13:48Oh, my God.
14:18Come on.
14:40Well, Henry.
14:44Looks as though we're going to have company.
14:46You'd better keep undercover.
14:48Come on.
15:14Pretty optimistic, aren't you, trying to hitchhike on a road like this?
15:17Oh, no. That thought never entered my mind.
15:19Well, I beg your pardon.
15:21I should have known you don't look like the usual run of hitchhikers.
15:25Oh, but I am, you see.
15:27You know, we're all sisters under the skin.
15:31Well, hitchhikers don't usually spend their time sitting around on rocks, do they?
15:34Well, some of us do.
15:36You see, there are all sorts of ways to do it.
15:38There's really quite an art to it.
15:40For instance, the ordinary way.
15:44And then there's the careless way.
15:47Which, of course, means nothing, but there's a commanding way that...
15:52That can go on indefinitely, and nothing ever happens.
15:56Well, which do you find is the most successful?
15:59Well, I usually like this one.
16:06Are you going my way, mister?
16:09Well, speaking of going places, which way are you going?
16:11Well, I'm going any way at all, but preferably straight ahead.
16:14That's the way I'm going. Want to get in?
16:16Thank you. Oh, no, no. No, don't bother.
16:18You see, I've climbed over a lot of wheels.
16:21I've really done an awful lot of riding in.
16:24We'll wait just a minute. Stop, we'll see.
16:26That's all right. Well, you're coming up in the world now.
16:30There you are.
16:31Now, this'll be a little rougher than those scrumble seats you've ridden in.
16:34Well, this is all right.
16:45You'd be more comfortable if you tossed that in the back.
16:48Well, at least I'd be able to hold on.
16:53You're from the East, aren't you?
16:55Yes, I am, but I was born in the West.
16:58It's quite a ways off the beaten track.
17:01Where are you going?
17:02Straight ahead.
17:04Oh, I see.
17:06Oh, I see.
17:36Skis are pretty thick, aren't they?
17:56Really? I hadn't noticed it.
18:00That sun's getting pretty hot.
18:02I don't mind it as much as the mosquitoes.
18:13Careful there, Henry.
18:29Oh, my suitcase.
18:59Oh, my suitcase.
19:30I say, would you mind giving me my suitcase?
19:32I think it'll be a little safer up here.
19:59I thought we might see some of the wreckage of that plane that cracked up here last week.
20:24Ten people were killed.
20:25We're near Shiloh, then.
20:27Yes, but if you're expecting anyone to meet you there, you're going to be disappointed.
20:30Well, I'm not going to Shiloh.
20:32I remember reading about two planes cracking up in this section.
20:37You know, Shiloh's a kind of a ghost town.
20:40When Brent closed down the silver mines down there, the entire population moved out overnight.
20:46Hasn't been anyone there in years.
20:48Well, this is as far as I'm going.
20:51Thanks very much for the lift.
21:03You think I ought to follow her?
21:06When I mentioned Brent's name, she almost gave herself away.
21:10She's probably here for the same reason we are.
21:21Hey, Phyllis.
21:41I never saw him before.
21:51Hi, Kendrick.
21:52Hi, boys.
21:53Mind if I get down and visit a little?
21:55Keep your hands where we can see them.
21:57I was just going to tie my lines.
21:59Well, that ain't necessary.
22:00Get out of that wagon.
22:04Get his guns, Raymont.
22:06He ain't packing them.
22:08Well, we ain't taking no chances.
22:10Get him away from this wagon.
22:12You heard what he said.
22:15Now, would you mind telling me what this is all about?
22:17Did you meet anybody on the road today?
22:20You're the first man I've met in three days.
22:22My old man always said, shoot first and ask questions after.
22:25What brings you to this town?
22:27I heard Shiloh was deserted, and I was just poking around looking for gold.
22:31Well, you're wrong on both counts.
22:33It ain't deserted, and there ain't no gold.
22:35And since you're here, why don't you tell me what's going on?
22:39Well, you're wrong on both counts.
22:41It ain't deserted, and there ain't no gold.
22:44Insinuating that strangers aren't wanted?
22:46That's right.
22:47Now get going.
22:53Well, Henry, I guess it's time to go.
22:56Reach for the sky.
23:00I don't start anything because my nose is itchy and it makes my fingers twitch.
23:04Get their guns, Henry.
23:06Hey, Kim.
23:13Kim to me.
23:15See, what'd I tell you?
23:17Shoot first and ask questions after.
23:19My old man was right.
23:34What are you covering up here?
23:36Are you Kim to me?
23:37Do I look like him?
23:39Well, he said you were.
23:41So what?
23:46Now, which one of you is going to do the talking?
23:55Watch these fellas, Henry.
24:03Oh, so it's you again.
24:11Who are you, anyway?
24:13Natalie Brent.
24:26Looking for your father?
24:27Yes, I am.
24:28Where is he?
24:30What made you think you'd find him in a ghost town where no one's lived for years?
24:34I won't tell you.
24:36Figure he had something to do with the bomb robbery?
24:38My father isn't a thief.
24:40The failure of those motors on the mail planes, though, made you think he might be here, eh?
25:07Now, you stay in there till I come back.
25:36Where do you make your headquarters?
25:49Better talk, and talk fast.
25:51Couple of miles out of town.
25:52Well, you're taking me there.
25:55You and who else?
25:56Some of my boys, of course.
25:57They're handy if I need them.
25:58You're crazy.
25:59If we done anything like that, the boss would murder us.
26:01What do you think I'll do to you if you don't?
26:03Well, you got the bonds.
26:04What else do you want?
26:05Cut in on your racket.
26:07I know you fellas got a way of knocking these mail planes down.
26:10And you know in advance when they're carrying anything worth taking.
26:14You gotta give us time to talk this over.
26:16All right, but don't do anything foolish, because I'll watch you.
26:24That girl we picked up on the road is Brent's daughter.
26:27She's locked up in the closet in one of the rooms.
26:32Listen, whom he'll kill us if we don't do what he tells us?
26:37Our only chance is to leave him to the hideout and let the boys take care of him.
26:47Have you figured on taking your boys along if we do what you want?
26:50What difference does that make?
26:52There's always a lookout up at our place.
26:54If we go up there with a bunch trailing us, well,
26:56looks like it couldn't be nothing but a pitch battle.
27:01Well, there's something to that.
27:07I'll go along with these fellas.
27:08You get in touch with the boys and trail us.
27:11Okay, Tim.
27:12We got some horses right over there.
27:16Just a minute.
27:39Oh, that's where we're going.
27:42Who's the brains of your outfit?
27:44Dawson, and he's plenty smart.
27:56It's Shorty, Frank, Raymond, and Mike,
27:59but I don't know the other fellas with them.
28:01You sure it ain't Dawson?
28:03Sure I am.
28:04Take a look.
28:14He must be okay.
28:15The boys wouldn't be bringing him here.
28:18How do we know he ain't holding a gun on him?
28:21Hey, you boys lie low and keep him covered.
28:23I don't like the looks of this.
28:41This is a gent you all heard about, Kincaid, Tim Toomey.
28:45I'm glad to know you.
28:47You look it.
28:48But don't worry, I'm harmless.
28:49Tim didn't want to bring his boys along,
28:51but I'm afraid you fellas mightn't understand.
28:54What does he mean, your boys?
28:56They're waiting for me back down there a ways.
28:59Oh, I see.
29:01Then he didn't come here on business.
29:03Well, business and pleasure combined.
29:05Just a little friendly visit to look things over.
29:08How do we know he ain't running a bluff?
29:12He never bluffed.
29:29Who is this man?
29:30What's he doing here?
29:32I can answer that all in one breath.
29:34Tim Toomey's the name, if that means anything to you.
29:37I suppose you're Dawson.
29:40I should have guessed there was only one man in the West
29:42with nerve enough to do what you've done.
29:44I don't mean getting those bonds away
29:46from that thick-headed fool, Charlie.
29:48That wasn't so much of a trick.
29:50But to walk in here single-handed, that's pretty...
29:52Just a minute, Dawson.
29:53You ain't got the straight of this.
29:55No living man can walk in here the way he did
29:57and get away with it, even if he is Tim Toomey.
30:01It wasn't him alone that made a smart time.
30:03He's got a lot of men waiting close by
30:05in case he don't come out of here alive.
30:07So we've been kind of waiting for you
30:09to see how you wanted to play the hand.
30:13Well, now that you're here, come on inside.
30:30Sit down.
30:36Well, go back.
30:39Say, these are pretty comfortable quarters you've got here.
30:42Well, what's on your mind?
30:44This racket of yours.
30:46I was thinking you and I might get together.
30:50Is there any reason why we should?
30:54Really? What are they?
30:56In the first place, you prove you can't work alone.
31:00Letting those male pilots live was a great mistake.
31:03They should have been found dead in the wreckage of their planes.
31:06That way, no one could suspect it was anything but an accident.
31:12In that case, these might be worth some real money.
31:16If it is, they're not worth a dime on the dollar.
31:28Quite interesting.
31:30Then there's Brent.
31:35How long do you think you're going to be able to keep him undercover?
31:39You know, you ought to watch your publicity a little closer.
31:44These newspaper clippings here,
31:47somebody caused me to do a lot of tall thinking
31:49and allow it to affect somebody else the same way.
32:01I have the slightest idea what you're talking about.
32:03You've made so many mistakes.
32:05One of the G-men hadn't been on your neck long ago.
32:08Maybe they're not as clever as you are.
32:11Maybe that's the reason they haven't been able to put a finger on me
32:13all the years I've been operating.
32:15Any other reasons you'd like to mention?
32:19But there's no use discussing them here.
32:21With all the value of this arrangement I'm suggesting,
32:24with you and me handling those planes
32:26and my men looking after things in town,
32:28it wouldn't be any slip-up.
32:30It's a natural.
32:32Sounds pretty good.
32:36Say, I'd like to know how you knock those planes down.
32:38Not to swell like it.
32:42Well, if we get together on a deal,
32:44you'll find out how it's done.
32:48In the next day or so,
32:49there's a big shipping of currency going to New York.
32:52And the plane will pass close by here.
32:56Suppose you call your boys in and we'll go into it.
32:59That won't be necessary.
33:01Any deal I make is satisfactory.
33:03There's a fellow to see you, come in.
33:11This is Henry Brownlee, one of my men.
33:15Dawson's the name.
33:16I'm glad to know you.
33:17Bring any of the boys with you?
33:19No, but they're getting mighty nervous.
33:23They're just about ready to blow this place off the map
33:25unless you show up pretty soon.
33:27Oh, I'll take care of them.
33:29It'll be a pleasure to work with a man like you.
33:31It goes for me too.
33:32I'll see you later when your boys get here.
33:47What do you think of him?
33:49Did anyone see anything of his men?
33:52No, but like he said, the only one they saw
33:54was the man that just left with him.
33:59That's funny.
34:01A bunch of men on horses ought to be easy to see.
34:05You mean they may be alone, that nobody was with them?
34:09I told you two of me had plenty of nerve, didn't I?
34:13I'll start some of the boys riding.
34:20Where's Miss Brent?
34:21That's what I'd like to know.
34:22Didn't you find her?
34:24I searched every room and closet in that hotel.
34:27All I could find was a shortwave radio set.
34:30Is it working?
34:32Well, then you get right back and call headquarters.
34:34Tell them to send a plane out here with five or six men
34:36and get right away.
34:37Where am I going to find you?
34:38Oh, I'll be around.
34:39Brent's hidden around here somewhere.
34:40I'm going to try to locate him.
34:57Come on.
35:27Come on.
35:57Come on.
36:27Come on.
36:53Get up there.
36:54Hurry up.
36:55Give me that gun.
36:56Get over behind that tree.
36:57Hurry up.
37:03Come on.
37:04Put your arms around that tree.
37:05Put them around that tree.
37:20Get over that horse.
37:21Come on.
37:22Get over there.
37:23Give me that gun.
37:26Get over there.
37:27Hurry up.
37:31Come on.
37:32Get your arms around that tree.
37:33Come on.
37:56Come on.
37:57Come on.
37:58Come on.
37:59Come on.
38:00Come on.
38:01Come on.
38:02Come on.
38:03Come on.
38:04Come on.
38:05Come on.
38:06Come on.
38:07Come on.
38:08Come on.
38:09Come on.
38:10Come on.
38:11Come on.
38:12Come on.
38:13Come on.
38:14Come on.
38:15Come on.
38:16Come on.
38:17Come on.
38:18Come on.
38:19Come on.
38:20Come on.
38:21Come on.
38:22Come on.
38:23Come on.
38:24Come on.
38:25Come on.
38:29Come on.
38:38Come on.
38:39Hurry up.
38:40Hurry up.
39:25U.S.X. Calling U.S.X. On 12 meters. Calling U.S.X. Come in, U.S.X. Come in, U.S.X.
39:37U.S.X. Go ahead.
39:39Brownlee and Cavalier reporting. Have located the cause of plane crashes in Shiloh Mountains.
39:45Sent a plane with about six men to a deserted house about two miles from Shiloh.
39:51They can see it from the air.
39:54Okay, right away.
41:42Don't shoot, I'm unarmed.
41:44Who are you?
41:48Are you Joplin Brent?
41:50You know my name?
41:52I'm from the Department of Justice.
41:54We've been trying to locate you.
41:59Does that ray stop a motor at a distance?
42:04Then it's your ray that's been knocking down these planes.
42:08Dawson operated the machine.
42:10How does he know about it?
42:12I brought him here to help me with my experiments.
42:23Still stalling with that gadget you're trying to fix?
42:25I'm doing the best I can.
42:27Well, you better look everything over carefully.
42:30It's awesome to watch you stand this time to some more work.
43:20You looking for someone, miss?
43:22Why, yes, a man named Brent. Do you know him?
43:25Well, who might you be?
43:27I'm Natalie. Joplin Brent is my father.
43:30Oh, well, come with me, miss.
43:33Then he's here?
43:34Why, yes, of course.
43:45Has Brent discovered what's wrong with these apparatus?
43:47No, he's still trying to fix them.
43:56You think I wouldn't show up again?
44:00Boy, I thought you were.
44:01Yeah, I'm not a ghost. I'll tell you about it later.
44:04Hey, Brent's daughter's outside.
44:05Brent's daughter?
44:06Yeah, I met her down the road.
44:08She's looking for her father.
44:15Bring her in.
44:23Well, I'm glad Charlie saw you.
44:27Did your father send for you?
44:29Why, no, he didn't, but I was anxious not hearing from him for so long.
44:33Well, we don't have mailboxes on every corner out this way.
44:37Where is he?
44:38Busy in his laboratory.
44:39I'll take you to him in just a minute.
44:42Say, aren't you one of the men I saw in Shiloh?
44:45Oh, the time Tim Toomey held us up?
44:47Hey, when did Toomey have a gun on him?
44:49Well, he showed up in Shiloh like you said he would with a gang of men and stuck us up.
44:53Oh, about a couple of weeks after he shot you.
44:55Why, you're crazy.
44:57Toomey gunned me all right, but the G's got him before he could make a getaway.
45:00Toomey's in jail in Los Angeles.
45:03Here's the proof of it.
45:14Well, well.
45:16This is news.
45:18Toomey will be glad to hear it.
45:20Yeah, won't he?
45:22See if you can find Tim.
45:24Give him my compliments and say I'd like to see him.
45:27It wouldn't surprise me to learn he's from the Department of Justice.
45:35Come on, my friend.
45:37Let's go and see your father.
45:41He's filled with radium ore.
45:43That's why I built the place years ago.
45:45And all the time they've held you prisoner, you've never let them know how the apparatus works?
45:49It would be a horrible weapon in the hands of unscrupulous men.
45:53You're best better to do whatever they ask.
45:57They think I'm a gangster named Toomey.
45:59So I can work from the inside.
46:06Why, you're a prisoner here.
46:08Who is this man?
46:09Why, you're mistaken.
46:11We're not holding your father prisoner.
46:13We're just protecting him.
46:14Aren't we, friend?
46:17He's a good man.
46:18You must be proud of him.
46:20He's a good man.
46:21You must be proud of him.
46:23He's a good man.
46:24He's a good man.
46:26He's a good man.
46:27He's a good man.
46:28We're just protecting him.
46:29Aren't we, friend?
46:31That's right, naturally.
46:32Why, there's nothing to worry about.
46:34Your father can walk out of here any time he pleases.
46:37That is, just as soon as he completes a little business deal, we're in together.
46:42That's true.
46:45Don't you think we can finish up our business pretty quick now?
46:48There's a plane coming over this afternoon.
46:50Why, they're using your radium ray to rob and kill.
46:53There were women and children on that first plane that crashed.
46:57They told me they were only the pilots and that they had parachutes.
47:01Why, the young lady's had a little too much excitement.
47:04She ought to rest.
47:05Now, you go through with our program, get that thing working, and everything will be all right.
47:09I only have another adjustment to make.
47:12It won't take long.
47:14Now you're talking sense.
47:15Will you come with me?
47:27Where does that door lead?
47:29To the living room in the house.
47:57Go ahead.
48:08Dawson's holding Brent's daughter at the house.
48:18There's a plane coming over.
48:26It's a little early.
48:27Get Brent working.
48:37Hey, Tim!
48:41Just the man I'm looking for.
48:42What's on your mind?
48:43Dawson wants to see you.
48:45That's fine.
48:46I want to see him, too.
48:47He's in the house.
48:48Keep your hands in the air and don't reach for that gun now.
48:52Here, Henry.
48:53Take care of him.
48:56All right.
49:27Oh, there you are, Tim.
49:29I've been waiting to see you.
49:31So I understood.
49:32Come on, sit down.
49:33Did you contact your men all right?
49:35Yes, they were waiting for me.
49:37Were they with you?
49:38They'll be along in a little while.
49:40Well, uh, while we're waiting, why don't you take a look at this?
49:46What is it?
49:47I don't know.
49:48I don't know what it is.
49:49Well, take a look at this.
49:51What is it?
49:52I don't know what it is.
49:54Why don't you take a look at this?
49:57It's really quite interesting.
50:07You ought to sue that paper for libel, Tim.
50:10Saying that you're in jail when we all know you're here.
50:17Looks like the joke's on me, doesn't it?
50:21Oh, I wouldn't say it's a joke.
50:24Get him up.
50:32All right, Charlie.
50:33Come here.
50:38That plane we saw is a government ship.
50:41Better shut off that projector.
50:42We better get it started again.
50:45It's just too bad, copper.
50:47You're a little bit too late.
50:50Sully, take care of him.
50:54All right.
51:16Start that ray.
51:17Come on, get it started.
51:24Come on, get it started.
51:54Come on, get it started.
52:25Come on.
52:46You stay here.
52:54You stay here.
53:24You stay here.
53:55Come on.
54:17Put up your hands.
54:25Put up your hands.
54:47Drop those guns.
54:55Put the handcuffs on these fellows.
54:56Come on, hurry up.
54:57Hurry up.
54:58Henry will show you where the others are.
55:00Come on, hurry up.
55:01Come on.
55:12Young man, I don't know who you are, but I sure am grateful.
55:16Dad, I want you to meet Mr. uh, Mr.
55:20Would you mind giving me your name?
55:23Not at all.
55:24It doesn't end the date.