Never imagined holding highest office of country: President Kovind

  • 3 years ago
President Ram Nath Kovind attended the Jan Abhinandan Samaroh at Paraunkh village of Kanpur district on June 27. After landing, he bowed and touched the soil to pay obeisance to the land of his birth. He addressed locals and thanked the soil of his village for his achievements. He said,” I'd never imagined even in my dreams that an ordinary boy like me from a village would get the privilege of discharging responsibilities of the highest office of the country. But our democratic system has made it possible.”

“Today, on this occasion, I bow to freedom fighters of country and drafting committee of the Constitution for their sacrifice and contribution. As far as I've reached today, the credit goes to the soil of this village and the love and blessings of all of you,” he added.
