Always and Forever (Thank You, Ami)

  • 16 years ago

Good Charlotte
Thank You, Mom
Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II

I'm scared, I..
Miss you.
Now I'm being an idiot,
Again with the emotions..
Why am I crying, Ami?
I miss you so much..
It should be illegal!
It should be illegal.. To be alone..
To have to be without the person you need most in the world..
I'm sorry if I'm just being too emotional but..
I just..
You really are.. My only true friend.
Please let me know if you're ever unhappy with something I've said or done, because nothing's ever your fault, and
I'm sometimes really crude to you, and it's not fair.. Because you're always so nice to me, and you never take
anything out on me.. And you always stick by me even if I do get annoyed at you when I'm in a bad mood..
You're like.. The best friend every person needs.
I'm sorry.
But it's true.
You're always.. you're never like I am to you.
I sometimes flip out and get mad at you and it's not your fault, but you never get mad at me...
And you always talk to me, always a friend to me, even if I do lash out.
You really are the best.. You're incredible. You're must be the nicest person to walk this earth.
My cheek tickles..
Stupid tears :)
Oh boy, my eyeliner, my mascara, they've gone all over the place.
Everyone's gonna know I'm a great big softie now.
That's your fault, Ami.
But I'm really happy I know you.
No matter how far apart..
We'll always be together.
Thank you, Ami.
