Les Nôtres Movie Clip - Plot synopsis: To the tight-knit community of Sainte-Adeline, Quebec, Magalie appears as a normal suburban high school sophomore surrounded by friends. But this popular teenage girl is harboring a shocking secret: she’s pregnant. When Magalie refuses to identify the father, suspicions among the townsfolk come to a boiling point and the layers of a carefully maintained social varnish eventually crack.
Director Jeanne Leblanc
Writers Jeanne Leblanc, Judith Baribeau
Actors Emilie Bierre, Marianne Farley, Judith Baribeau, Paul Doucet
Director Jeanne Leblanc
Writers Jeanne Leblanc, Judith Baribeau
Actors Emilie Bierre, Marianne Farley, Judith Baribeau, Paul Doucet
Short film