Chapter 10 Creation Science Made Easy

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Chapter 10 Creation Science Made Easy
Creation Science is fairly simple to understand. The conclusion is laid out for you -- just read Genesis -- so there's nothing to investigate. The question is whether this really is science. Even if it isn't, should it be taght in school as a way of 'opening' young minds?
This is the penultimate video in the 'Made Easy' series, which looks at the evidence showing our origins, from the Big Bang to the human migration out of Africa.
Music: Gershwin's 'Rhapsody in Blue' (Leonard Bernstein, pianist and conductor)

The Big Bang to Us Made Easy Series by Potholer54
This series explains the scientific evidence for our origins, from the Big Bang to the human migration out of Africa, in a way that most people would understand. It challenges people who believe we were created by a deity 6,000 years ago to confront the evidence instead of ignoring it. High quality DVD’s are graciously made available by Potholer54 and available for download and use in education institutions. For more information visit.

