虽然通常被称为咬人, 但红蚂蚁实际上是蜇人, 而不是咬人. 事实上, 红蚂蚁会蜇扰乱破坏它们巢穴行为. 红火蚁的刺痛是痛苦的, 通常会导致凸起的伤口变成白色脓疱, 被红火蚁蜇伤的人会受到不止一只蚂蚁的多次蜇伤. 对昆虫叮咬过敏的人对红蚂蚁 “叮咬” 的反应会更严重. 红蚂蚁也被称为火蚁或红火蚁, 它们会筑扁平, 形状不规则, 大小在 1 到 4 平方英尺的大型土墩巢. 它们通常通过盆栽植物, 灌木和树木被引入新的地区. 红火蚁因其能够造成痛苦的叮咬和蜇伤而得名.
Although commonly referred to as a bite, red ants actually sting, not bite. In fact, red ants will sting humans who disturb their nest. The sting of a red fire ant is painful and often results in a raised welt that becomes a white pustule. Often, a person stung by red fire ants will receive multiple stings from more than one of the ants. Persons allergic to insect stings will react more severely to red ant “bites.” The red ants also known as the fire ant or RIFA, build large mound nests that are flattened, irregular in shape, and between one and four square feet in size. They are commonly introduced into new areas through potted plants, shrubs and trees. Red fire ants get their common name from their ability to inflict painful bites and stings.
虽然通常被称为咬人, 但红蚂蚁实际上是蜇人, 而不是咬人. 事实上, 红蚂蚁会蜇扰乱破坏它们巢穴行为. 红火蚁的刺痛是痛苦的, 通常会导致凸起的伤口变成白色脓疱, 被红火蚁蜇伤的人会受到不止一只蚂蚁的多次蜇伤. 对昆虫叮咬过敏的人对红蚂蚁 “叮咬” 的反应会更严重. 红蚂蚁也被称为火蚁或红火蚁, 它们会筑扁平, 形状不规则, 大小在 1 到 4 平方英尺的大型土墩巢. 它们通常通过盆栽植物, 灌木和树木被引入新的地区. 红火蚁因其能够造成痛苦的叮咬和蜇伤而得名.
Although commonly referred to as a bite, red ants actually sting, not bite. In fact, red ants will sting humans who disturb their nest. The sting of a red fire ant is painful and often results in a raised welt that becomes a white pustule. Often, a person stung by red fire ants will receive multiple stings from more than one of the ants. Persons allergic to insect stings will react more severely to red ant “bites.” The red ants also known as the fire ant or RIFA, build large mound nests that are flattened, irregular in shape, and between one and four square feet in size. They are commonly introduced into new areas through potted plants, shrubs and trees. Red fire ants get their common name from their ability to inflict painful bites and stings.