Showing the two blowers and key relays, with demo
Specifications of the organ;
8' Stopped Diapason
8' Violin Diapason
4' Flute Triangulare (From 1957 Moller, Opus 9122 Carlisle PA) Extended to 8' with St Diapason 1-12 from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932
8' Salicional from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932
8' Open Diapason 1-61, (from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932 Fort Dodge IA, winded by it's original Kinetic blower)
8' Oboe (capped)
8' Open Diapason
8' Doppleflute (Uses Melodia bass 1-12) (from 1927 Kilgen)
8' Melodia
4' Octave (from 1927 Kilgen)
8' Dulciana (from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932)
16' Bourdon 44 pipes (#1 scale from 1934 Reuter)
Usual couplers 4',16' Gt-Sw , Gt-Ped, Sw-Ped
To be added soon;
A 4' "Flute traverso" derived from a 8' St Diapason (Moller Opus 6447) for the Swell making the organ
13 ranks.
Chimes- Deagan, from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932
Specifications of the organ;
8' Stopped Diapason
8' Violin Diapason
4' Flute Triangulare (From 1957 Moller, Opus 9122 Carlisle PA) Extended to 8' with St Diapason 1-12 from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932
8' Salicional from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932
8' Open Diapason 1-61, (from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932 Fort Dodge IA, winded by it's original Kinetic blower)
8' Oboe (capped)
8' Open Diapason
8' Doppleflute (Uses Melodia bass 1-12) (from 1927 Kilgen)
8' Melodia
4' Octave (from 1927 Kilgen)
8' Dulciana (from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932)
16' Bourdon 44 pipes (#1 scale from 1934 Reuter)
Usual couplers 4',16' Gt-Sw , Gt-Ped, Sw-Ped
To be added soon;
A 4' "Flute traverso" derived from a 8' St Diapason (Moller Opus 6447) for the Swell making the organ
13 ranks.
Chimes- Deagan, from Moller Opus 6447 of 1932