• 4 years ago
Lance Storm is on this episode, for all two or three times he talks, I think he might've changed the vibe in the room, at least at first, and it took longer for the guys to get more into their shenanigans. There also wasn't so much opportunity for visual gags and creative editing stuff in this one. More of a straightforward review. Still, plenty of goofy stuff in this episode.

A really bad Vince impression, a woman kidnapped and put in a shark cage, a Something On a Pole match, a seriously weird production botch, Lex Luger hamming it up, Sid falling for a terrible disguise, superfluous chains, a random turn, Vince Russo mocking a heartfelt plea, seduction and making out in the ring, Bret Hart being very Canadian, a truly awful tournament, Norman Smiley in a catcher's outfit, Goldberg on the set of Ready 2 Rumble, the Nitro Girls feuding with each other... you know, I just realized, when Kimberly said she had more important things to do than be in the Nitro Girls, she meant she was gonna hit David Flair with a car I guess. Bigger and better things!

There's a moment in this where Bret says "SCREW YOU SCOTT" and it's just so Canadian, I couldn't explain why but his accent, what he's saying, it's perfectly Canadian.


